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It Pays to Listen

Long time no see, readers! I know it's been a while since I've uploaded anything. Life has been insane, so unfortunately writing has...

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

It Pays to Listen

Long time no see, readers! I know it's been a while since I've uploaded anything. Life has been insane, so unfortunately writing has been a bit on the backburner. However, I've been trying to take a few commissions here and there to save money! Feel free to reach out to me on twitter if you want to purchase a story for yourself!

In the mean time, enjoy this short commission I did for a follower. I am always impressed when I read a story that manages to pack a lot of hot details and a fleshed out tale in a quick read, and that's what I tried to do here. Let me know how you think I did! 


It Pays to Listen

By: Bull2Steer

“I warned you Timothy. Didn’t I warn you what would happen if you fucked around? But you didn’t listen, so now you’re gonna lose em.”

The words were directed at a young man, who had been expertly tied to a steel fence, legs spread wide and bent over a fence. He wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing save for a pair of worn-in work boots, his round ass and genitals displayed openly to the world. His eyes were wild and bloodshot, tears streaming down his face. He was yelling something, but it was muffled by a simple gag made of the stud’s own boxer shorts and duct tape, preventing his pleas from making it out into the world.

“Don’t whine or beg. You knew the price for your mistake; you knew if you kept fucking around I’d take your balls. You don’t deserve ‘em, and we all know it. So, you ready? Ready to lose your precious nuts, Timothy?”

The young buck screamed even harder into his gag.

“Then let’s get started.”


 Tim had started on The Ranch a few months prior. He’d moved into the small Montana town after his dad had told him he needed to get a real job and learn how to be an honest man that did an honest day’s work. His pops and the owner were old friends, so he called ahead and set everything up. His boy would get room and board along with a modest paycheck and spend a few months working as a farm hand. The hope was that spending a year doing real work would straighten Tim out, who had a habit of being lazy, smoking, drinking and chasing girls.

Tim, for his part, was a good-looking guy. He had just turned twenty, brimming with youth and a dose of arrogance. He sported thick brown hair, striking hazel eyes and a James Dean look and sense of style that often had girls hitting him up for dates and sex. Overall, Tim was a young man who was used to getting what he wanted without much effort. When his dad told him that he was kicking him out to work on a ranch, he scoffed, confident that his old man was bluffing, or at the very least that he’d cave and bring him back home after a while, once he, “learned his lesson.” Tim figured he’d coast through the new job, doing very little work and find a country girl to bang for a few months, and that would be that. Unfortunately for Tim, his plan didn’t work out too well for him.

When Tim got off the train, he was greeted by his new Boss. He was a large powerful man, sporting a thick beard and the body of a man who’d been doing hard labor from a young age, sturdy and strong. He helped Tim load his bags into the back of his pickup before driving them to The Ranch as he told his new worker what to expect.

“The rules are pretty simple Timothy. Meals are at six in the morning, noon and six at night. If you’re late, you don’t eat. You’ll have a bed made up for you with the rest of the ranch hands, and they’ll train you on all your duties. None of it is very complicated, but it’s hard work; but if you work hard, you’ll earn a fair wage and be treated well. Once the year is up, we’ll ship you back to your daddy, or you can decide then if you want to stay for another season. Sound good?”

Timothy nodded in the same noncommittal way he did with his parents.
“I can’t hear the rocks in your head, boy. You need to say, ‘yes Sir,’ if you understand.”

Tim flashed a look of annoyance but decided not to push it.
“Yes, Sir.” He said with a hint of disdain.

“Good. Part of why you’re hear is because your daddy and I are good friends, and I said I’d help whip you into shape before I sent you back home. Oh, and one last thing. Your old man told me about your habit of hopping from girl to girl. I’ll tell you now. I have a daughter about your age, Annie. She’s a pretty little thing and my pride and joy. You’re to be a gentleman around her, and not try any funny business. If you do anything stupid, I’ll ship you back to your father in a heartbeat, missing a few important bits I guarantee you’ll miss. Do I make myself clear?”

Tim nodded dumbly for a moment before choking out a “Yes Sir.”

Unfortunately for Tim, he didn’t keep his word on anything. He proved to be lazy, rarely getting his work done and pawning it off on the other ranch hands. More damning still was his raging hormones. He spent most of his day flirting with Annie and trying to get in her pants. Had it stopped there, Tim probably could have skirted by for a little while before getting fired. Unfortunately, his charms worked, and he ended up successfully bedding the boss’s daughter. Worse still, he knocked her up, and it didn’t take long for news to get back to Boss. Even then, Tim didn’t understand the trouble he was in. He figured he could just pay for a pill to get rid of the baby, and that he’d be fired and send back home… Her certainly wasn’t expecting it when Boss and several ranch hands surrounded him, stripped him, dragged him out to the stables and tied him to the fence.

Boss slowly walked up to the bound young stud, a silver tool gleaming in one hand. “You were told one thing, boy. Unfortunately, you couldn’t keep your pecker in your pants, and now you’re gonna pay the price for it.”

And with no further fanfare, the large man positioned himself at Tim’s backside, and gave the tool in his hand a firm squeeze. It was an elastrator, a tool for castrating young bulls who weren’t fit to breed. It had four prongs that housed a small, green rubber band. As Boss squeezed its handles, the tool expanded, widening the band just enough to fit a scrotum inside. He grabbed Tim’s sweaty ball bag, giving it a crushing squeeze as he did so, ignoring the screams coming from the young man. He roughly pulled the soon-to-be eunuch’s testicles through the band roughly, before releasing the handles and pulling the tool away with a loud, ‘SNAP,’ sound. This ripped another pained scream out of the failed farmhand. He produced another small green band before loading it on to the elastrator and repeating the process. Tim’s emasculation had begun.

Boss circled back around and grabbed Tim’s face, forcing it upwards so they could lock eyes. “The bands will do their work within an hour or two. At this point I could just leave you be and you’ll be castrated in no time. But you’re not getting off that easy, boy. You see, I’m not the only one you pissed off. You’ve been a lazy bastard around here, pushing your work off onto hard working, real men, and I think it’s time they got their licks in too.” Tim’s eyes widened in fear as he realized his punishment wasn’t over yet.

“Alright boys, he’s all yours. Remember the rules. Just don’t pop them. I want to send Timothy here back with a nice souvenir, so he doesn’t forget his lesson. I left a cooler of beer here. So just relax and enjoy your break boys. You’ve earned it.” And with that, Boss turned and walked back into the house.

Tim’s fellow workers surrounded him before Boss had even made it inside.

They were all smiling cruelly, each of them grabbing a couple Coronas out of the cooler before they set in on him. They farmhands all took turns abusing Tim’s exposed balls. Some of them chose to squeeze the banded nuts as hard as they could, until Tim worried they actually would pop, while other men opted to give him full force punts to his dying scrotum with their cowboy boots. Once all the men had taken a turn, they started over, chugging their beers, laughing and joking with each other while they continued to destroy his nuts. The men beat Tim’s sack until the wailing stud’s testicles were purple and black. It was obvious that even if the bands were removed early, that the ball inside would probably never function properly again. He was going to be steered before his balls had time to finish choking to death in their bag.

A little over two hours passed before Tim finally lost all the feeling in his sack. Once the farmhands realized their victim couldn’t feel the pain they were dishing out, they went inside to fetch Boss, who came out of the house with a knife in one hand, and a phone up to his ear with the other. He slowly made his way to the new steer, casually carrying a conversation on the phone as he did so. As he got closer, Tim could hear the end of the conversation.

“Yeah, sorry Dale. I failed to make a man out of your boy. He fucked Annie pregnant, so I banded him. Yeah, it’s a shame. Apologize to the missus for me too. Looks like you’ll have to adopt if you want to pass on your name. Yeah, I’m just about to snip ‘em off. You’ll have to pick Timothy here up from the airport tomorrow morning.”

Tim started crying into his gag as he realized Boss was talking to his father on the phone, talking about his castration like they were discussing the weather. As the large man got closer, he could make out his pop’s voice on the other end of the call, with words like, “failure,” and, “eunuch,” sticking out.

“Alright Dale, I gotta let you go so I can finish up with the eunuch. Visit? I’d love to. We’ll talk more tomorrow, bye.” Boss said before hanging up and stuffing the phone in his pocket before finally addressing Tim one last time.

“Well Tim, it’s all over for you. Your balls are dead and broken. I can tell the guys really didn’t hold back on your shriveled nuts. If you’d just fucked Annie, I’d have let you off with just a banding, but that’s what you get for being lazy, boy.” Boss said as he once again walked behind the exhausted young man.

“You have a flight home tomorrow, which your daddy paid for to apologize for your pathic work ethic. Don’t try to tell anyone what happened, either. Everyone here will back up my story that you did this to yourself, including your daddy. If you ever try to make trouble or come back here, I’ll slick your dick off. Don’t think I won’t. Only thing left to do is clean up this mess and send you home.”

And without another word, Boss took the knife in one hand, and the dead scrotum in the other. He placed the knife between the two green bands and pulled hard with a mighty tug and sawing motion. Within moments the sack of brutalized balls surrendered and was cut free. Boss tied a cord around them before putting it around Tim’s neck, allowing his heavy balls to hang like a necklace on the defeated ranch hand.

“Oh, and you’re fired.”

Tim’s world went black.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Testicle Festival: Part One

Get ready for my first two part story! 

Our tale follows a young man who travels to a small town to attend a Testicle Festival; a tradition in rural America where a country folk drink, celebrate and eat tons of bull testicles! Our main character may or may not be hoping that he can be more than just a casual observer! Enjoy!

*Please note. Part One does describe the castration of an bull using a burdizzo. This is mostly used to establish erotic tension between two men and set up Part Two, but I wanted to give fair warning.  

Testicle Festival: Part 1

By: Bull2Steer

I must have been some sort of crazy, doing things the way I did. After all, no sane person would travel across several states to a small, redneck town to celebrate something as, “nuts,” as something called a Testicle Festival, and certainly not with the hope of being part of the main event.


I had told my friends and family a poorly crafted story about wanting to go on a camping trip to, “get away from it all,” and, “disconnect from technology for a weekend.”  I lied and told everyone I’d be going with a group of old acquaintances from my hometown, and that’d I’d only be gone a couple days and nights. In reality, I’d looked up the dates for this event months prior and gotten the time off of work, even taking a couple days extra off, just in case I got my wish and needed to recover.

Fast forward to me standing in a rowdy crowd of farmers, ranch hands and other salt-of-the-earth types, all of whom were laughing, cheering and drinking heavily. We were all here for the same purpose; to enjoy the annual Testicle Festival, a celebration lasting several days where everyone in town would get together to socialize and chow down on, “Rocky Mountain Oysters,” which was a fancy way to say that we’d all be eating our weight in fresh-cut bull testicles.


The organizers of the event promised that the weekend would be, “Fun, Filling and Educational for the Whole Family,” on all of their flyers. The pamphlets were also filled with cheeky lines like, “Hold onto your balls! Live demos! Watch as bulls become steers!”

I found myself at one of these demos, showing up early in my excitement. As the show started, people gathered around a large, gated area with a pacing bull inside. He was a literal ton of solid muscle, walking around his pen, ears flicking in agitation. I couldn’t help but notice the bull’s giant testicles swinging between his legs as he walked. They were roughly the size of coconuts and looked just as dense. There weren’t very many people around the pen yet, so I allowed myself to gaze directly at the heavy sac for several minutes as I imagined what it was like to boast such a heavy pair of balls.


As it got closer to showtime, several workers filed into the pen. The bull gave a few plaintiff snorts but didn’t make much of a fuss as the small group of men guided him to the center of the gated area, before securing each of his feet to a few widespread stakes that were spread on a concrete slab.


Once this was finished, an older ranch hand, probably in his early 50’s walked up right next to the captive bull. He sported a head of salt and pepper hair, with a matching beard, dressed in a pair of faded blue jeans that were so time worn that the denim had thinned, leaving little of the man’s ample bulge to the imagination. He also wore a pair of heavy work boots and a dusty flannel shirt that was unbuttoned halfway, allowing a peak of his extremely thick chest hair. Despite the greys in his hair and beard, his chest was covered in dense, black fur. His eyes were bright with excitement, and he wore an easy welcoming smile. He was carrying a microphone with him, and he began loudly calling guests over to watch the live, “steering,” of a bull, his voice booming for the crowd, thick with country drawl. As people gathered for the show, he began warming us up with fun facts about adult bulls…

“When a young calf hits maturity, he can pump out about 10 to 20 million sperm cells a week!” Announced the ranch hand with a bright smile. “And once he fully matures in a proud bull, his oysters can pump out as much as 40 to 60 million sperm in that same time!”

“I wish my husband could keep up with that pace!” Came the voice of a loud and clearly drunk woman near the middle of the crowd. We all laughed loudly at the crass joke, except for her husband next to her, who was obviously embarrassed and trying to think up a good defense for his manhood. He couldn’t have been more than 21, barely sprouting a mustache. His adorable face turned beet red, as he became flustered by all the laughter at his manhood. Seeing him blush made the crowd laugh even harder.

The ruggedly handsome host didn’t miss a beat. “Oh, don’t feel bad, young buck! Your boys are going to put in much more work than this fella’ here! After all, he’s about to be steered, and you’re not!” We all laughed even harder at this, including the slightly emasculated young man, whose face went from a look of shame, to one of pride, as he relished that his manhood would be superior to the bull soon.


“Now gather around folks, get as close to the gate as you can. You don’t wanna miss a second of this big guy’s last moments as a stud! I took this invitation to heart and got right up next to the edge of the gate, actually standing on the bottom rung of the fence so I could lean over and get a better view.

“Now over the years, castration has been performed in many ways on every form of beast, including goats, horses, bulls and even human males.” Most of the guys in the audience made a show of groaning and covering their bulging crotches. I followed suit, although I was mostly trying to cover the fact that I was starting to get stiff in my jeans. I let out a few fake chuckles with the rest of the men in the crowd, as I took a big swig of my beer to distract myself.

“Now, throughout this weekend, you’ll get the chance to see lots of different methods for steering a bull. If you go to all of our demos this weekend, you’ll see them cut out medically, as well as injected to chemically castrate the animal, and one randomly selected bull will even get his nuts done by an elastrator! For you city folk, that’s a tool that puts a strong rubber band around a pair of balls. It slowly chokes the blood supply out of the male’s sack until it’s ready to be cut off, or in extreme cases just left on till they wither away, and his boys fall off on their own!” He paused for a moment to let the different methods of unmanning sink into his captive audience. Several of the men around me made a show of crossing their legs in sympathy. Meanwhile, I was having a very different response, and I could feel my cock stiffening and twitching in my drawers.

“But right now, folks, I’m going to show you my favorite way to get the job done, the burdizzo.” As he spoke, the ranch hand presented a tool from behind his back, that he had must have slipped into his back beltloops beforehand, holding it high above his head to make sure we could get a good look. The tool was roughly three feet long, and looked like two slim handles that were secured near the top with a screw, leading up to a closed, rounded shape. Eager to play to the crowd and get his point across, he then reached his other hand up and grabbed the other handle, before pulling them apart. Suddenly, the handles separated, and so did the rounded shape at the top. Suddenly, we were all looking at the obvious jaws of a vicious looking clamp.

There were a few gasps from the crowd from those who had never seen the tool before, while most of the locals just chuckled. I heard one gruff male voice say, “damn, the stud’s gonna get clamped? That’s a rough way to get steered.” The blunt description of what was about to happen made my stiffening rod start drooling in my pants. I was so turned on, but also terrified someone would notice. I downed the rest of my beer as I tried to casually adjust myself and the display continued.


“Now, it may seem harsh,” the ranch hand continued. “But it’s actually one of the safer methods! This handy tool is easy to use, only takes a few minutes, and presents minimal danger to the bull!”

“Except for his nuts!” Yelled a man in the back. More laughter erupted at the expense of the soon-to-be steer.

“Well, you’re not wrong there, bud! But instead of talking about it, how about I just show you! But I need both hands for that, so I think I need a volunteer! Anyone?”


I don’t even remember raising my hand. My mind went completely blank, and the next thing I knew, I was standing right next to the achingly handsome daddy rancher, and the two-thousand-pound bull that was about to be nutted. There was a loud round of applause and encouraging hollers, the onlookers obviously pleased with the crowd participation.

“What a great sport, thanks for the help, stud! Now, all I need you to do is hold the mic right by my face, okay? Don’t move it till I say so. I nodded dumbly, still unaware of how I had found myself in this situation. He flashed me a quick, sly bearded grin as he handed me the mic, and I felt my cock pulse in my jeans again as our eyes locked. To my credit, I followed his direction and kept the microphone pointed as his face as he started working, all the while still addressing the crowd.

“Now, ladies and gentlemen, the important thing here is to be thorough. What we want the burdizzo to do is clamp off of the male’s spermatic chords. If you see here, Titus here has nice, thick vas deferens and other chords that lead from the top of his hefty oysters, and lead through his plumbing and connect to his member. I need to make sure I get all of this fella’s chords in one go, because if I miss even a few, he might still be able to breed, and we can’t have that!” As he spoke, I watched in fascination as his strong, thick fingers moved quickly and firmly to move the thick tubes growing from the top of the bull’s fat left testicle. The man had masculine, powerful hands, but his fingers moved with incredible dexterity to manipulate the doomed tissues. Within twenty seconds, he had managed to push all of the hefty nutcords to one side of the bull’s sack. He flashed me another quick grin as he saw me staring.

“Okay now, bud. This is the important part. I need you to hold the mic right up next to his ball. If you can do that for me, you won’t be next for the clamp!” He winked up at me, as the crowd laughed at his lighthearted jab. Meanwhile, I thought I was going to faint from the blood rushing to my cock. I thought I was going to flood my shorts with cum right there. Luckily, I barely managed to keep my composure, and do as I was directed. I gripped the microphone tightly in my sweaty palm as I inched it closer to the bull’s scrotum. The ranch hand suddenly grabbed my wrist and firmly guided it closer, making sure I was positioned correctly, the microphone now mere inches away from the bull’s bundled and trapped ball chords.

“There ya go, bud. Perfect. You get to stay a bull another day!” He laughed. “Now, like I said folks, the burdizzo is one of the more fool-proof methods of castration. Because not only is it safer and more exact than other methods…” He let himself trail off for a moment as he then took the open clamp in one hand and began to position it. After just a couple moments, he had perfectly positioned the tool so that both sides of the jaws were gently closed over the bull’s sensitive sack. It wasn’t enough to damage anything but was enough to keep the chords in place and free up his other hand, which grabbed the bottom handle. He gave the crowd another sly smile. “But you can even hear the results!”

Suddenly, I watched in awe as he slammed the handles shut in a blur. And then I heard it, and because of the microphone I was holding, so did everyone else.



The sick, squelching sound of the bull’s nut chords being crunched shut rang out for everyone in the audience. The bull tried to kick in vain as it felt half of its manhood crushed forever. I saw several men reach for their own chords in sympathy, and for some of them, it wasn’t a joke this time. They gasped, momentarily stunned, before gently gripping their own soft ball bags through their jeans, thankful they still had working nuts between their legs.

My brain had gone on overload, barely able to comprehend that I was now rock hard in front of a crowd of people. In my head, I heard the loud crunch echoing in my skull, the audible proof that I’d just watched a testicle die. The hairy stud below me interrupted my thoughts.


“And just like that, Titus is half the bull he was! But not time to rest, folks. I need this big guy’s big guys to die. Can’t having a destined steer breeding, can we?” As he said this, I realized that his steely eyes were locked on me, like he was staring directly into my soul. Our eyes locked, his dark grey eyes boring into me as he smiled. I remember trying to convince myself that he couldn’t be talking to me; that I imagined it in my lust. But I kept staring directly into his eyes, unable to break his charming yet assertive gaze.

“You’re doing great, city boy. Just one more ball and you’re all done!” His eyes were still locked on mine as he said, this. He then reached down and presented another burdizzo from the other side of his belt loop. At this point I glanced down and realized that he had just let the other clamp hang off the bull’s doomed nut, they heavy tool swinging from the plump ball bag as it continued its work of killing the testicle in its jaws.

He wasted no time, getting to work on the other side. In a flash, he had the chords of the right ball bundled, and the second burdizzo was positioned, just as the first had been. “One more time, everyone! Listen close as a new steer is born!”


The sick sound issuing from the bull… I mean steer’s sack repeated as the right nut’s chords were clamped and destroyed. Although I didn’t see the clamp closed this time. The ranch hand’s gaze hadn’t left mine. He’d kept eye contact with me the entire time he finished off the bull. I saw his hand drop discreetly, giving a glancing brush over his bulging crotch, giving it a quick squeeze as his bearded smile widened even further. Suddenly, he stood up and resumed addressing the crowd.

“And that’s how it’s done folks! In a few minutes, Titus’s testicles will fully die on the vine, and the clamps can be removed! After a while, his heavy bull balls will begin to shrivel and die in the bag, and eventually will be absorbed back into his body, and he will live a long, healthy, sexless life!”

There was wild applause at the public castration of the bull. Everyone was cheering for the burly daddy ranch hand who had just proved his manhood over the bull. I may have imagined it, but I thought I could see more than a few men tenting in their pants as they cheered.

“And let’s hear it for our brave volunteer! He did such a great job! Give him a hand!” The crowd continued to holler and cheer for us and the entertaining display.”

My head was swimming from the overstimulation. I knew my imagination had run wild during the display, imagining the ranch hand flirting with me, and threatening my balls while he neutered the bull. I needed to get myself under control and away from all of these people immediately. I took a step forward to leave, before I felt a strong grip on my left shoulder, pulling me backwards. Suddenly, I could feel the ranch hand’s breath on the back of my neck, and he was so close I could feel his beard and mustache tickling my ear. He spoke low, and just loud enough for me to hear, his words masked by the raucous hollers of the crowd.

“There’s no need to be jealous of Titus, boy. We’ll be clamping plenty more chords before this is over.” I felt a gasp catch in my throat. This was more of my imagination, or just a joke at my expense. I tried to come up with a clever rebuttal or laugh it off… but his grip got firmer, as did his tone.

“No need to play coy, son. I’ve been doing this for years. I know a steer when I see one, and you my boy, are a steer.” As he said this, he pressed his body closer to mine as he continued to wave to the crowd and smile. He was so close to me that I could feel his chest hair pressing through the fabric of my shirt. Even more surprising was feeling his enormous bulge pressed against me, and feeling it stiffen to diamond hardness. I felt it stiffen with his heartbeat, the blood pumping steadily to his manhood. After just a few seconds, it felt like a steel club was grinding into my backside.


“We both know you need fixed, boy. Even your own cock knows.” He said, glancing at the straining bulge in my own jeans. “I have to clean up Titus’s dead nuts and get him put away. But you’ll meet me right back here in one hour, won’t you?” My cock visibly jumped in response.

“That’s what I thought. See you soon.”

I knew without a doubt that I wasn’t leaving this weekend the same way I came in.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Popping on Poppers


Hey, perverts!

I'm back with a new story! This one is rather short, but I wanted to try my hand at doing a, "guided," popper bating story that involved ballbusting and castration. I love this concept, and might do more in the future. 

(For newbies, poppers are an inhalant that causes a temporary head high, loosens muscles and intensifies orgasms. Please make your own health decisions if you choose to use them!)

Please comment if you want a Part 2, or if you have any ideas for future stories or scenarios!



Popping on Poppers

By: Bull2Steer

Hey dude, do you have any… Oh, fuck. Looks like you’re busy whackin’ off? Hot dude. Forget about what I needed, let’s sperm together bro! I even have some poppers in my bag, so let’s huff and get stupid!


Alright bud, let’s take a deep hit to get started.




Oh, fuck yeah bro. Feels so fuckin’ good to feel your brain start to fry. Let’s start jerking, man! Start pumping that cock, bro. Up and down. Up and down. Good; just like that buddy… Let’s take another hit, man!




Fuuuuuuck, man. That shit feels sooooo good. I can feel the jizz churning down in my nuts, bro! Dunno about you, but I love to squeeze and tug my boys when I sperm... You too? Hell yeah, that’s fucking hot. Give those nuts a tug while you whack. Stretch them while you edge your penis, buddy! …You must love it, you’re starting to pre everywhere bro… Time for another hit. Take a biiiig one this time, man. Huff fuckin’ deep and let’s get stupid.




Fuck yeah, that’s the way to do it buddy. Brain fried, cock drooling and your nutbag stretched down low… So fucking hotttt, dude.

…I have to admit something though, dude. You know when I borrowed your laptop last week? I… kinda found your porn stash. Your hidden folder. Yeah, bro. That one.


The ballbusting stuff was hot, but I really wasn’t expecting the videos of guys getting fuckin’ neutered. Shhh, dude don’t worry. I’m not gonna tell anybody about what a freak you are. Just keep working that pole and take another hit.



Feeling better already with that amyl hitting your fuckin’ bate, man? Goooood. Because I don’t want you to be embarrassed about blowing to guys getting castrated, bro. I gotta admit, I spermed EVERYWHERE as I watched guy after guy lose his balls. Something felt so fuckin’ right about blasting my cum all over the place as they lost their right to jizz as a man.

You must love that too, you’re so fuckin’ hard. It’s time for the next hit, buddy.




Now that the awkward part is out of the way, I think I’m ready to help you out, buddy. I want to see you sperm, and I mean really cum your brains out. So… I’m gonna pop you. I know it’s what you really want.


Shhh, shhh. Don’t freak out, bro. I’m not gonna castrate you… I’m just going to pop one of them.

You’ll still have a whole nut dangling in your bag, bro. You’ll still be half a man, and be able to shoot gooey cum whenever you want… But there’s a catch. I need you to pick which one goes.


Don’t shake your head no, man. I need you to pick. Otherwise… Well, I’ll have to destroy both of your nuts. You’ll have a sack full of mush, and be done as a dude. No more orgasms, no more sperm. Just a sad, empty bag.

So, I need you to give me an answer to stay a man. Don’t overthink it. Just take the BIG hit off this bottle and let your stupid fried gooner brain choose which of your nuts I’m going to destroy.




There it is… There’s the stupid, glazed over gooner who’s going to lose a nut. So, bro, tell me which ball is your favorite? Which one of your boys is your ride or die nut, and which one am I going to pulp?


You wanna keep lefty alive and pumping? Okay dude, you’re the boss! Keep beating your fuckin’ meat and pray you cum soon. I’m gonna do us both a favor and demolish your right ball.


Don’t worry dude, I’ll make it quick for you. I’m gonna step on it and put my full weight on your nad. Shouldn’t take more than a few seconds for your nut to explode under the pressure.

Are you ready man? Like really ready? Probably not. Can’t say a guy can ever really be ready to feel the pain of rupture. But you’re gonna feel it anyway. Don’t worry buddy, it’ll be over soon. Do yourself a favor and take the biggest hit you fuckin’ can. You’re gonna need it.





FUCK DUDE! It actually broke! I actually smashed your nard into nut paste in your bag! I can feel chunks of BUSTED BALL breaking under my heel.


How’s it feel to be HALF RUINED BRO!? Hell, how are you still fucking hard with your sack full of nut guts?! You’re a BEAST, man!




We didn’t cum buddy… Neither of us spermed, even as your nut popped. Sure. It’s fucking hot that your right testicle is now just nut mush in your bag… but there’s something missing. I know you feel it too.


…I’m really sorry, man… But… I’m gonna do the other one.

The end?

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Balls Out at Blackout


Balls Out at Blackout
By: Bull2Steer

It was a small fairly nondescript building; just a dark grey rectangle with no windows to speak of, sitting quietly in the middle of the dark parking lot. It could have been an office or a warehouse, but alas, it was something much more fun than that. A lone beagle in a well-worn leather jacket strode confidently towards the door. His paw rested on the handle for a moment before pulling it open, the quiet night being abruptly shattered by a cacophony of grunts, moans and growls. A wall of pungent aromas slammed into the beagle’s nose; sweat dripping off bodies, cigars being lit, the sweet smell of cum and the faintest hint of piss. The lone canine grinned before he pushed through the doorway. Tonight was going to be fun.

Raunch was used to this place, of course. It was the monthly, “blackout,” party at his local haunt. The lights were turned off, the drinks prices were hiked up a couple bucks, and there were curtains hung everywhere to give a bit of privacy and anonymity. The beagle was completely comfortable in this suck-and-fuck environment, shedding his jacket and jeans at the coat check, leaving only a leather harness over his chest, a pair of work boots and a jockstrap that barely covered his meaty pouch. Raunch walked up to the bartender with a warm smile, ordering a whiskey on the rocks before starting his hunt.

Nursing his drink, the svelte fur panned across the crowd, squinting his eyes as they adjusted to the lack of light. He recognized the silhouettes of some of the regular patrons, as well as a slew of randoms that probably only show up to party nights. In the dark, he could see little subs, muscled gogo dancers and a couple furs having a chat as their dick was sucked by a very eager fox. All of this was a fun sight for Raunch, but not was he was looking for. Boredly, he sipped his drink as his gaze drifted back and forth across the crowd, searching; suddenly he saw exactly what he’d been hoping for.

In the very back corner of the bar, sat a large leather chair meant for patrons who wanted to prop their feet up and have their boots polished. There was one, dim lamp lighting the area, and although faint, there was the unmistakable outline of a truly enormous bear. Raunch felt his dick twitch ever so slightly as he downed the rest of his whiskey and made his way over.

The beagle tried to walk over slowly, containing his excitement, if only slightly, although he couldn’t suppress a coy smile as he locked eyes with the bear. The much larger fur grunted loudly and shifted in his seat before speaking. “Where do you think you’re going with such a shit-eating grin, boy?” Obviously, this guy was pretty confident; Raunch could play to that, and take advantage. “Well, I was about to go take a leak, Sir… but I couldn’t help but look at you on my way there,” the beagle mused, trying to sound flirty and submissive. “Well, of course you can’t help but look, boy. Obviously. Little bitches like you can’t seem to help it.” The bear’s voice was like old gravel, deep and raspy. “Yes, Sir. I can see why… you’re so masculine and sexy… I really do like to look… I hope that’s okay, Sir.” Raunch kept his eyes down, playing coy, eyes darting up occasionally to, “sneak,” a peak at the bear. For what it was worth, he really did like what he saw.

The bear truly was massive, in every sense of the word. Even in the dark, Raunch would see that the fur’s feet were huge, even by bear standards. His legs, arms and chest were fairly defined, and his stomach was toned under a healthy layer of fat. What he really saw though, was what was between the ursine’s legs. Like the beagle, he was also sporting a jockstrap. However, if Raunch had a plump package, the larger fur was packing an entire ham down there. He could clearly make out the shape of a jaw-breakingly thick cock, and mammoth testicles, each clearly defined and straining the fabric. Furthermore, it was obvious this beast was not shy about getting piss or cum in his jock. The smell wafted into Raunches nose, the musk almost dropping him to his knees. The bear shifted in his seat, putting both hands behind his head, flexing his arms and exposing his furry pits before speaking again.

“Looking is nice, but it doesn’t get my rocks off, whelp. If you really want to look so fuckin’ bad, then get your ass over here and worship a real male’s body,” he growled. “And you’ll call me Master, bitch.” Raunch held back a laugh, but didn’t wait to be told twice; his mark wanted attention, and he was happy to oblige. In a flash, the beagle was nose deep in Master’s pits, huffing the intoxicating scent deep into his sensitive nose, and licking up potent ursine sweat. As he did so, he made sure his paws weren’t idle, using one paw to play with bear’s meaty nipples, the other rubbing firmly up and down his chest and stomach, inching closer and closer to his giganting package. His efforts were not going unnoticed, as Master grunted and moaned deeply, cock beginning to stiffen down below. “You really know what you’re doing, slut. Most subs around here barely know their way around a cock. I might just make you my regular fuck toy.”

Another suppressed chuckle. This was the beagle’s cue.

“You really think so, Master? I’d be honored to serve such a massive stud. There’s a secret place I know in the bar. We could go there and have more fun… if it pleases you, Master.” The beagle was all too happy to make it, “Master’s,” idea to get away. “Get to it, bitch. Show me, and if it's good enough for me, I might just fill your little cunt tonight with my Alpha seed.” Raunch rolled his eyes when he was sure the bear couldn’t see him. To be honest, if he wanted a quick fuck, this guy might be his type. Dumb and hung had a time and a place, but tonight he had other plans for the dominant fur. “Come this way, Master. I’m sure you’re going to love it!”

Raunch guided Master past the crowd of furs in various states of fucking, beyond the dark curtains until they were at the opposite end of the bar. There, they found a plain looking door with a large, foreboding lock on it and an, "Employees Only," sign on the door frame. The flirty beagle winked at the towering bear as he fished around his jock and found a key. He inserted it in the door before swinging it open and gesturing the larger fur inside. “I’m a regular here, so the owner lets me use this room as long as he’s not in the middle of one of his marathon fuck sessions. I think we can make much better use of it, though.” The two of them ducked inside, a soft click sounding as the door locked behind them.

Inside, the room was small and fairly barren, the only piece of furniture being an adjustable fuck bench that could double as a seat. “Now this is what I’m talking about! Good job, slut. This will be perfect to claim your ass and make it good for something!” Master was clearly ready to go, cock beginning to bulge obscenely in the jock,to poor undergarment struggling to hold its heavy contents. The masculine male sauntered over to the seat, sliding off the jock and letting it fall to the ground before plopping firmly down on the seat, his stiffening dick now swinging proudly in the open air a confident grin painted on his face. If Raunch thought the bear smelled powerful before, it was nothing compared to the musk coming off his crotch now. It was a pungent smack to his senses consisting of precum, piss and at least three days without a shower. The beagle’s knot acted of its own accord and went full mast almost instantly. It took everything in his power not to jump on the bear’s towering dick and go to town, but he was too close to get distracted now.

“Oh my god, Master. Your cock is amazing,” the dog complimented as he eagerly stripped out of his own  jockstrap. “I want to ride it and have you mark my cunt with your Alpha load. Please, let me worship your pits and ride you!” Raunch was worried he was overselling his excitement, but to his relief, the prideful Master raised his arms above his head once more to show off another powerful, boastful flex. That was all the opportunity he needed.

Raunch covered the distance of the room in a blur, grabbing the paws of his new, “Master,” and pushing backward; hard. There was a loud ‘click’ behind the ursine’s head. “Wha-?" the bear questioned. Before he'd even finished the word, the beagle had moved down to his enormous feet, repeating the hard shove, followed by the same resounding 'click'.

Master’s mind began to switch gears as he felt sharp tugs at his wrists and ankles. “What the fuck is going on, slut? Get over here and get my rocks off!” The bear hollered, attempting to stand up and storm over to the small fur, only to find himself unable to move from the spot, not quite grasping the situation yet. He glared at the smaller male, enraged and ready to beat him into tomorrow. "You'd better unlock this right now, you worthless cunt. I'll tear your ass apart!"

“Fucking Hells,” Raunch said, sighing loudly in relief. “I really thought I was going to have to do more work to get you to sit down. Lucky for me, I found a guy with more balls than brains.” The burly bear didn’t like this at all. The beagle’s tone was much harsher now, and he didn’t appreciate the tables being flipped on him. “Let me go right now, you little bitch, or I’m going to beat your fucking head in!” Master screamed, trying to sound intimidating, but failing miserably. To his dismay, he didn’t see a hint of fear in the smaller fur’s eyes; in fact, he started to laugh! “No, I don’t think I’m gonna’ do that, 'Master.’ Bigger males than you have tried to get out of that chair and failed, and I think it’s time you take a break from talking.”

With a quick sweeping motion, Raunch picked up both jocks from the floor and strode slowly over to to his would-be Master, taking a moment to pause and press the larger male’s musky underwear against his nose and inhale deeply. The beagle’s own thick member twitched violently and let out a quick slug of precum, landing at the bear's feet. Smiling with a sense of smug arousal, he jammed the fabric into the bear’s mouth, quick to remove his hand to avoid any nasty bites. He then used the waistband of his own underwear to wrap around the bear’s maw to keep it shut. With a snide grin, Raunch calmly reached down to his boot, pulling out a small switch-blade, which he flicked open and waved at his captive. Master's eyes went wide with panic, the gravity of his situation finally setting in. The canine leaned in close to his ear, before speaking in a cold, even tone. “Now, I believe I promised to ‘get your rocks off,' didn't I? Well, I intend to do just that."

The threat had its intended effect.

Master began moaning and hollering into his gag, attempting to point his head towards the door, and screaming incoherently. “Heh, you seem to have finally realized the mess you’re in; good. All that yelling won't do you any good, by the way. I helped the owner sound-proof that door myself. Don’t worry, though. It’s not like I’m going to just nut you and go. Not after getting you in this position. You and I are going to have some fun first,” Rauch gloated, the tint of a smile in his voice. And with that, he got to work.

To start, the beagle bent down, fully unlacing his tall boots and setting the long strings aside as he removed the well-worn leather. Once gone, the room was quickly overpowered with the stench of the fur’s socks, which had obviously gone unwashed for some time. Raunch quickly stripped himself of  them too, never breaking eye contact with the helpless beast in front of him. Master’s nose crinkled in disgust, causing Raunch to laugh. “What’s the matter, big guy? Do you like to be the only musky male around? Let me help with that.”

The beagle got up close and personal to Master, making sure to pick up one of his socks and his laces on the way. First, he firmly rolled the stained, putrid sock over the bear’s thick member, making sure to pump his fist a couple times in the process, enjoying as the cock twitched in his grasp, despite its owner’s discomfort.

Next, for the main event; Master’s enormous nuts. Raunch eagerly shifted the laces into one paw, picking up his captive’s ample balls with the other. He took a few moments to lift and fondle them, taking a gentle, but firm grip. Hefting their weight, they felt like two meaty softballs, pulsing with a natural heat. The canine’s cock quickly reached full mast below him, achingly hard at the sheer power he held in his grasp. “Holy fuck,” thought the hyper-aroused beagle. “This guy may be an overconfident asshole, but who wouldn’t be with a pair this massive?!” The smaller fur then leaned down, momentarily kneeling to push his nose deep into the bear’s nutsack.  Using his paw to steady the ursine testicles, he jammed his face into the orbs as hard as he could, inhaling the awful stench of Master’s unwashed balls. If this were another night, Raunch would have left the pair unmanagled and worshiped them all night, begging for the bear to cover him in his potent jizz. Unfortunately for Master, tonight was not his night.

Without warning, he bore down on the nuts from behind, slowly at first, but with increasing pressure. Carefully manipulating his paw pads, he began to crush, squeeze and prod the firm testicles. He made sure to pinch and twist the chords at the top of each plump testicle as well. This definitely had an effect on the poor, bound beast above. The bear started trying to trash and squirm, moaning loudly and beginning to cry into his gag. The sound was sending the dog’s libido into overdrive, his hard 8” knot positively flooding his feet with pre cum. A large smile was breaking out across Raunch’s maw, his face hidden in the folds of Master’s pulsing ball bag.

“Time to get to work,” he thought as he gave a truly brutal squeeze, before abruptly releasing his death grip on the swelling orbs and rising to his feet.

“Oh dear, Master. If that hurt, you’re really not going to like what happens next. I need you to be tough for me, though. You’re a big, strong male after; I’m sure you can do it! You’re going to want to save that screaming for later!” Without any more ceremony, Raunch's paws got to work, moving with shocking speed and purpose. Using the laces from his other paw, he got to wrapping them around the neck of the burly fur’s family jewels, separating the nuts and pushing them as low and forward as they could possibly go. He ended by making a small handle at the bottom of the tie, in case he got the urge to pull on them. He finished the knot by pulling as tight as he could muster, eliciting another sharp yelp from the male above. Raunch stepped back to admire his handiwork, seeing the oh-so-vulnerable male bits bulging at the end of the twine noose, each separated from its brother by several inches. They were already beginning to swell up nicely and take on a darker shade under their fur. Wrapping a paw around the handle, the vicious captor gave his playthings a brutal tug, the bear shrieking as it felt like his nuts were being pulled out by the root. “I really do love your balls, you know. It’s just that I think they’d look better if they were just a little larger. Let’s work on that before I ruin them.”

Without any further warning or fanfare, Raunch dropped the handle, drew his paw back into fist, and launched it into the bound bear’s groin. He smashed into the bound nuts with a considerable amount of force, with he the left taking the brunt of the hit. Master began hollering in earnest into the makeshift gag. “Guess we are starting with left!” Shouted the beagle with manic glee. He proceeded to launch several more punches directly into the swelling nut, attempting to hit a slightly different area of the sensitive organ each time, leaving no part of the crying bear’s ball unbeaten. As the small fur pistoned his fist into the delicate organ, he could feel it getting softer as the firm testicle resisted less and less to his knuckles. By the time it had taken about twenty strikes, the nut was hot to the touch, and Raunch was sinking deeper and deeper into the mammoth orb as it weakened.

The sadistic male took a brief respite, standing to gaze into the eyes of the brutalized bear. At this point, he was in hysterics, blubbering into his gag. Tears were running down his face as he begged and pleaded unintelligibly through his own musty jock. Raunch took this opportunity to lift one foot, several inches above Master’s softened left nut. The bear’s eyes darted downward before immediately going back to his captor’s eyes. He shook his head, ‘no,’ vigorously, a whining loudly through his nostrils. The beagle simply smiled warmly, as if he was greeting and old friend or recalling a fond memory. His foot dropped sharply and with alarming force, stomping into the aching ball below, pinning it to the hard chair beneath and sending his victim into spasms, eyes rolling back in his head, delirious from male agony. He leaned forward, placing a terrible weight on the damaged testicle, making sure to wiggle his toe pads, feeling a delightful squishing sensation under his foot as he inched closer to Master’s pain-stricken face. “I know it hurts; I really do. I think your left ball has had enough. It really can’t take much more. I think I should stop torturing it, what do you think?” The poor ursa was half mad with pain at this point, and began nodding emphatically, agreeing to anything that would make the pain in his nut stop. “I’m glad you agree. I’ll pop it so we can move on.”

Raunch didn’t give Master a second to react. With those words, he pushed his whole body weight forward and up, standing on the chair, and more importantly, putting his entire body weight on the nearly-dead ursine testicle. It didn’t immediately pop, much to the surprise of the beagle, and to the hell of its owner. Noticing this, the beagle began bouncing up and down slightly, balancing precariously on the doomed nut and twisting his foot.

One bounce *CRUNCH*

“Fucking pop!”

Two bounce *CRUNCH*

Raunch sank about halfway into the squishy ball.

Three bou- *SQUELCH*


It finally happened. The squishy organ could take no more and exploded under the brutal beagle’s foot with a loud, wet pop. He felt himself fall abruptly, nothing but mush and the bear’s abused scrotum between his toes and the chair. Raunch couldn’t fucking believe it. He had just just splattered the dominant male’s left nut into a useless paste. He rebalanced himself carefully, poking and prodding his toes through the jelly that was formerly a functioning testicle. The ecstasy of taking away half of Master’s manhood was too much. With an uncontrollable twitch, the canine’s knot began spewing a thick, paws-free load of jizz all over the room. He growled in heat as his cock spit wad after wad of cum, completely oblivious that most of it was landing directly in Master’s eyes. The beagle just let himself be lost in his pleasure, all the while continuing to let his feet explore the wreckage of the exploded ball, chunks of dead bear nut squelching between his digits. It wasn’t until Raunch’s orgasm started to peter out that he let his attention return to the half-male below. He stepped down from the chair, feeling more little chunks of solid nut guts liquify under his foot as he got down. “See, that wasn’t so bad! Halfway there!” Spouted the beagle cheerfully. “Oh, looks like you passed out.”


Raunch took a deep breath, still coming down from his mind shattering orgasm. He wanted to take a moment to drink in the scene before him. The unconscious bear in front of him really was a stunning example of what it was to be male. His legs were as thick as young tree trunks, powerful enough to support the towering weight of the fur. He had a keg for a stomach, but it was clear that a strong core lay under his large belly.. The tortured ursine also sported large, sculpted arms, undoubtedly coming from hours at the gym as well as throwing subs on their back and holding their legs up as he plowed them. Honestly, even with his tear streaked face, you wouldn’t be able to tell he was anything but a true stud of a male; until you looked between his legs, of course.


Master’s cock was still covered in the beagle’s filthy sock, which Raunch peeled away as he glanced down at his handiwork. His member had flagged due to the abuse, but even soft, the bear’s cock was huge, lazily dropping over his leg. Below the prodigious meat, his leathery pouch was another story. On one side of his ball bag sat a firm, virile testicle. Other than a small amount of swelling, it was a perfectly healthy, bloated cub maker. In contrast, it seemed to almost be floating in the ruins of its brother. The left side of the nutsack dropped off into a sad, dark mess, no longer containing any solid material. The beagle gently reached forward and prodded the half vacant sack, working his paws through the jellied orb. The bear’s former nut had been obliterated into a mushy, soup-like consistency, slipping easily in and out of the dog’s grip.


The sadistic beagle let his paw drop as he felt the distant twitching of his knot, already stiffening despite his recent orgasm. He leaned in closer to inspect the wreckage. Unable to help himself, Raunch once again pushed his face deep into the half-destroyed scrotum, feeling the last few gelatinous chunks of the ball slide past his invading nose. Next, he opened his maw, letting the hot, leathery flesh spill into his jaws.  He thought, for an instant, about biting down and ripping the sack open. “No, don’t rush this,” he thought to himself. Instead, the beagle moved his tongue slowly, and deliberately. With work like dedication, he took the next few moments to swish the bear’s bag in his maw, finding the last few globs of unshattered nut, and pushing them against the roof of his mouth, feeling them *squick* into nothing more than ruined nut guts. Once he was sure, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that every piece was liquified, the beagle stood up and stretched his back. “Alright, time to wake up sleeping beauty,” he chuckled as he went to fetch the next item from his boot.


“Fuck!” The beagle fumed. He’d forgotten to bring smelling salts. There was no way he was going to let this beastly male stay unconscious during the second half of his neutering. Raunch stood there, pondering for a few moments on what to do, irritated with himself that he made such an oversight. Luckily for the small canine his own body gave him the answer. The whiskey he’d downed earlier had made a very quick trip through his system, and felt the familiar tug of his bladder to empty. “Heh, it is a blackout party, after all. It’s a sin to waste perfectly good piss,” he observed to no one in particular. He quickly popped back up on the chair, taking no care in avoiding the ruined left ball, before he pointed his cock towards Master’s face and letting the stream of urine go all over the captured fur. It took a few seconds for it to work, Raunch boredly moving his knot back and forth to cover the bear, but eventually the male opened his eyes. Unfortunately for Master, they were immediately splashed with the potent stream of piss. “You’re awake!” Chided Raunch happily. “You were out cold, Master. I thought I’d better wake you up so you didn’t sleep through any of the fun. It looks like I even washed the cum out of your eyes! No need to thank me. Ready for part two?”


Master looked up in a haze, most likely trying to piece together where he was, what was going on, and why his nuts hurt so fucking badly. He glanced down towards his crotch, through the film of piss and cum, eyes landing on his balls. A moment of silence passed, the dawning realization that he was only looking at one nut. His large head flew up in panic, locking eyes with his captor. Hysterical tears poured down his handsome face as he begged incoherently into his gag. “I know. I know. You must not be thrilled to be down a ball,” Raunch stated in a slow, understanding tone that didn’t match the situation in the least. “It’s got to hurt like a motherfucker, too. I’ve got good news, though. Popping your nut got me really horny, and before I take righty, I’m going to do something nice for you. I’m going to help you shoot your last load!” Master went ballistic at that point, struggling in his bonds even more, continuing to shriek loudly, even with nobody coming to his aid. The beagle glared down at the bear with a look that could freeze hell itself, before getting nice and close to the male below. “You know. I don’t have to be nice. You aren’t leaving here with balls, you stupid fuck. I’m going to nut you, one way or the other. The question is, do you want the chance to cum one last time before I neuter you? I expect you to nod, “yes,” or, “no.” Master froze for a moment, doing his best to answer while being distracted by the terrible pain in his crotch. He began to cry again before letting his head rise and fall in a somber nod. “Good answer.”


For what it’s worth, the beagle meant what he said. As soon as the bear agreed to one last orgasm, the canine got to work in earnest. Raunch was quickly on his knees, face to face with the bear’s thick cock. He was uncut, with his ample foreskin covering the head of his member. Even from several inches away, the smaller fur could smell the powerful stench coming from the foreskin. Between the musk of the ursine cock, the fact that it still smelled like a dirty sock and the sweat that was worked up as his left ball was beaten in, the whole package smelled like a college locker room. Eagerly, the beagle’s tongue flicked into the opening, swirling around the head of the bear’s member. He stopped under the head, pressing his wide tongue firmly into the most sensitive part of the cockhead. Above, Master began moaning distantly and muffled. The beagle grinned, gently peeling back the foreskin and going at the thickening rod with gusto. The bear really did have a jawbreaker of a dick, and Raunch wanted to taste the last bit of cum it would spit out. Pulling more and more of the bear’s length into his maw, the beagle was soon deep throating the captive male, pushing his own head forward until his nose was buried in musky ursine pubes. With the entire cock in his mouth, Raunch began swallowing repeatedly, effectively contracting his throat on the enormous cock, aggressively milking it of its content. The beagle had used this technique on many a partner, so he wasn’t surprised that it didn’t take long for his prey to shoot. Swallowing hard one last time while pulling his head back, Raunch was able to have his maw back on the head of Master’s cock as it began to blast shot after shot of lumpy bear jizz. It was a powerful, enormous load that filled Raunch’s muzzle entirely over the course of a minute before the pulses started to slow and weaken. The canine pulled away, taking a second to swirl the thick sperm around in his mouth. It tasted wonderfully bitter and strong, with the slightest hint of copper. Standing once again, Raunch took a half gulp, making sure to leave some of the male’s cum in his mouth. He smiled down at Master, who was coming down from his orgasm, before cruelly spitting the remainder of the cum directly onto the bear’s face, snapping him back to reality. “I thought it was only fair I share some of your last load. I hope you enjoyed that, because now, it’s time to say goodbye to last nut”


Raunch stepped back to the pile of his clothes, retrieving the small knife from earlier. With a quick flick of his wrist, the blade appeared, gleaming slightly in the dim light. He approached the bear once more, leaning forward to grip the larger fur’s knees and use them to hold his weight, so he could speak to Master face to face. “Now, we are both busy men, Master. At least, I’m a busy man, and you’re going to be a busy neuter. I’m going to let you decide how long it takes to ruin your last testicle. I’m going to be looking you in the eyes the entire time, and when you are ready for me to take it, I want you to nod for me. We already practiced this, so it should be easy, right? It’s up to you how long it takes.” The beagle paused, letting his words sink in. He let a few seconds pass, hanging in the air like an eternity. “However… I also don’t like to be kept waiting. It you try to prove you are a tough guy and make me wait too long… I’ll also cut off your cock!” His explanation had been nonchalant, as if he was asking the brutalized bear to decide on where to eat for dinner. Not wanting the waste any more time, the beagle got to work.


Raunch lowered himself to a squat, returning to eye level with the bear’s mangled package. We winked up at the terrified bear before he pressed the point of his knife into the plump scrotum, enjoying as the leathery bag wrapped around the blade at first, the skin trying to accommodate the object without being cut. However, with  a strong push, the blade did pierce Master’s sack, sinking deeply into the flesh. Without much fanfare, the beagle began the pull the knife downwards with slight sawing motions, straight through the seam of the large bag. The results were immediate. As soon as the cut became large enough, the remains of the bear’s pulverized left testicle poured wetly from the opening. The mush leaked onto the chair, dripping thickly over the surface of the wood, before oozing over the edge with a, *splat* on to the canine’s own stiff knot. Raunch nearly shot another load right then and there as he felt the remains of the bear’s nut cover his own package warmly. Instead, he was able to continue working, although his breathing became noticeably heavier. Above, the bear could be heard whimpering, as he felt the pressure of his scrotum permanently deflate with the loss of his left nut. Laying the knife aside, Raunch reached one paw around the back of the nutsack and began squeezing, pushing the right nut forward, while his other paw pads worked their way into the slit. With a little bit of manipulation, the beagle worked the big stud’s last ball out into the open air, letting it hang for a moment from the hole in his bag.


“This is it, Master. I’ll bet you’ve never seen a ball look like this before. At the end of the day, all of that masculine bullshit you thrown around comes from this sensitive clump of meat. I wonder what you’re going to be like without these big things running your life. Remember, buddy. You tell me when.”


With that, Raunch pulled; hard. He took Master’s last nut and stretched it by the cord until he got a firm grip before leaning forward. At first, the beagle began to run his tongue over the ball’s surface, his rough tastebuds scraping the sensitive organ as he explored every inch. As he continued to do this, he let his spare paw wander the cords of the massive orb. Section by section, the beagle pinched and tugged the connective nerve of the dying ball, enjoying the wails from above each time he found a new, sensitive spot. Next, came the teeth. Raunch continued to stare into the beastly male’s eyes, repeatedly pretending to chomp down and obliterate his lone ball. Each time, however, he stopped short of snapping his jaws shut, before simply chewing on the damaged orb. The damage wasn’t permanent, but sure to hurt like hell. Above him, Master began to whimper, sounding like a kicked cub, more than a burly mountain of a male. He could see the bear’s head begin to twitch, as if he was ready to give in, but each time he would hold steady. The bear really was a trooper for holding out this long, even with the torture being directly on his damaged nut. It was time to be, “merciful,” and put the bear out of his misery.


“Wow, you really are tough, Master. I’m surprised you haven’t already thrown in the towel. I think you deserve a to use my throat one more time.”


Raunch let the confusion set into his prey for a moment, letting him think he might be getting another break from the pain. Then, without warning the sadistic beagle sucked the bear’s massive nut into his jaws; and swallowed. If the thought of the canine’s throat had brought the bear any relief, it was destroyed in an instant as a world of pain engulfed his remaining testicle. He began howling and seizing in his chair, nearly vomiting from the sheer agony emanating from his nut. The small fur began using the same technique from the earlier blowjob to crush the failing ursine testicle! Again and again, Raunch used his powerful throat muscles to attempt to swallow the bear’s nut whole while it was still attached to its owner! Master’s eyes were rolling back in his head, catatonic in this testicular hell. It felts like his last nut was being mushed, over and over in the warm, crushing grip of the beagle’s throat. Any moment, he was sure that his last nut would explode; but the moment wasn’t coming. Just a seemingly endless cycle of his captor swallowing his manhood, crushing it to a fraction of its normal size, before letting it fall back into his jaws, only to crush it again. He finally reached his limit. Between ragged breaths and convulsions, Master forced his head down to meet Raunches gaze, before giving a tearful,  jerking nod forward.


A lot of things happened at once. A smile of pure joy came to Raunches face; a chilling reaction, given the circumstances. He was in the middle of letting the bear’s fat ball rest in his mouth when he saw the nod. Not needing any further prompting, the beagle swallowed once more, before throwing his head backwards, violently. He reached his paw down below, pumping his cock furiously, using the liquified bear nut as lube. There was an audible *SNAP* signaling the end of the bear’s attachment to his nut. Master felt an immense tug and inhuman agony as his ball was ripped from his body. It was finally too much for his body, as he mercifully passed out from the pain, his last view being the beagle’s throat bulging obscenely for a moment as his last ball disappeared forever. Raunch fell on his back from the momentum, but continued jerking his meat fervently as he felt the immense ball travel passed his throat and into his gut. The feeling of swallowing the ursine nut put Raunch’s senses on overdrive, his cock pumping a geyser of cum all over his chest and muzzle. Wad after wad of potent jizz shot out of the canine's sizable cock painting the area around him in pup batter. “Oh, fuck yeah! Your nut feels so fucking good on my dick, you fucking neuter!” Cried the beagle to nobody in particular. He was beyond himself with his own pleasure and the realization that he had fully destroyed another male’s balls. As, his shots of spunk began to weaken, he scooped up as much of his cream as he could and licked it off his fingers, the taste of sperm and the bear's nut mush mingling in his mouth. His cum had never tasted so amazing, knowing that he was still a male, while Master would never get to use his cub makers again...


It took several minutes for Raunch to come down from the high of his orgasm, and a few more for his breathing to slow down enough for him to sit up. His eyes surveyed the scene in front of him. An unconscious bear sat restrained in a heavy chair, his nutsack split open and nut guts dripping, slowly, onto the floor. The overpowering stench of piss, cum  and musk permeated the room. Tossed off clothing and a slightly bloody knife lay in a heap on the floor.


“Holy shit… Who’s next?”




Untitled Sabretooth Story


Untitled Sabretooth Story
By: Bull2Steer

(This story revolves around two characters from Marvel Comics)

In the late 1940’s a government program was created in the pursuit of researching, exploiting and improving upon the X-Gene, a genetic mutation that changed otherwise ordinary humans into something extraordinary: Mutants. This program, based in a remote military base hidden in Northern Canada sought to create the perfect mutant soldier under the project Weapon X. At least a hundred powerful mutants had been drafted into this cause through promises of more power, while others were simply not given a choice. Of these mutants, one of the most promising test subjects is about to find out what can happen to those who, “come up short…”

Deep within the heart of the Weapon X facility, lies one of the many laboratories designed with the sole purpose of studying and modifying the mutant test subjects that have been “acquired,” for the project. Inside are two men, both wearing stark white lab coats, scrubs and matching facial coverings. They are both of a similar, average build and height. The scientists in the program are paired this way to grant a small amount of anonymity when overseeing the mutants. At first glance, the only difference between the two men are the metal badges embroidered into their clothes, reading simply, “Seven,” and, “Ten,” respectively. Having just sterilized and prepared the lab, they are ready for their last subject of the day.

“Send in the next test subject,” Seven said dryly. At this point, they had already been working for ten hours, and were both eager for the day to end. Looking at the docket for the day, the next mutant was… “Oh Jesus,” thought Seven. “It’s Sabretooth!” As both scientists realized that the end of their day was not going to be a relaxing one, they took deep cleansing breaths. Even among the more dangerous mutants in the program, this one had a reputation for his violence and cruelty. He had already killed a very high-profile Russian scientist who was extremely important to the program but was considered such a valuable asset that he was kept in the program anyway. The worst part was that Sabretooth was very aware of his reputation and reveled in intimidating and berating the scientists any chance he got. The monster could even smell fear for Christ’s sake!

“Let’s just get this over with. We can deal with the monster and get a drink; God knows we’ll need one.” stated Ten. Despite trying to sound nonchalant, he couldn’t hide the underlying dread in his voice.

“Monster?! Awww, you’re breakin’ my heart! And here I thought were pals!” Both men visibly jumped as they registered a new, snarling voice in the room. They quickly turned to the door where a large gurney was being wheeled into the room; and being done so in a hurry.

Atop the gurney was a truly enormous figure, that at first glance could only be described as a wall of muscle.

When not strapped down, the brutish mutant stood at a towering 6’ 6”, and weighed nearly 300 lbs, and that was even before he began being modified by the Weapon X program. He had since had his already superhuman muscles augmented further, and parts of his body infused with adamantium, a heavy and nearly indestructible metal that made the already deadly mutant even more lethal. Most notably, this precious metal had been infused into the man’s enormous hands and mouth, giving him claws and fangs that could easily tear through walls, doors and most commonly, people. With the added mass, the beast stood even taller than before, and weighed in at an obscene 380 lbs! In fact, the mutant’s body had become so bulky, that even without slashing or biting at his opponent, a full speed tackle from Sabretooth itself was enough to instantly kill most men, a feat that he was all too happy to demonstrate given the right incentive.

Not only was this mutant physically intimidating, but he also relished taunting and threatening his prey at every opportunity; and to someone like Sabretooth, everyone was his prey, the researchers of Weapon X being no exception…

“What’s wrong fellas; don’t you guys like me? I thought I could meet up with you after work for that drink! Get to know you better.” The voice snarled condescendingly from the doorway.

Despite the obvious fear in their eyes, and increased pulse, the scientists ignored the jests coming from the table and attempted to calm themselves. They knew from experience not to engage with the test subjects, especially this one. Seven hurriedly made his way across the room, cutting a small berth around the hulking figure to reach the other scientists. He quickly scribbled his signature on a clipboard being thrust at him, signifying that Sabretooth was now in their custody.

As he signed the paperwork, Seven couldn’t help but notice that one of their colleagues had a freshly bandaged wound on his right hand, blood seeping through the gauze. This wasn’t all that uncommon when dealing with the mutants but was even more regular when dealing with Sabretooth. They even had specific rules to keep clear of his enormous, clawed hands or jagged sharp teeth any time that he was conscious. 

“He’s your problem now,” spat the scientist holding the clipboard. Seven tried to read his nametag, but a few large globules of dried blood that were crusted to his lab coat prevented him from doing so. “I also recommend you sign this order to put him under, if you don’t want to end up like Fourteen.”

Both men shuddered. The incident was well known to the research team. Scientist Fourteen had failed to properly restrain Sabretooth before they began one of their more, “invasive,” procedures on the mutant. In a pain fueled rage, the beast tor off his restraints and attacked the scientists working on him. Thirty-Two had escaped with grievous injury but kept his life. Fourteen, however, had been reduced to a puddle of blood and meat. Viewing the surveillance footage of the attack became a required part of onboarding for every researcher in the program, both to weed out those with weak stomachs, and to remind them all that what they were dealing with wasn’t human. These mutants could and would maim and kill them if given the chance.

“Aww, I wouldn’t hurt a fly! I promise I was just playing with him! Not my fault your type is so breakable!” came another loud taunt from the table. In the corner, Seven flinched slightly, still cradling his wounded hand.

Nodding, Seven quickly scribbled another signature on a separate page. It was for a dosage of anesthesia that could easily kill three grown men, but it was deemed necessary to keep the beast of a man unconscious. Not only was Sabretooth easily twice the size of of the largest bodybuilders, but his mutation also allowed him to heal from physical harm and toxins at an extremely accelerated rate.

“Nobody would mind if this dose did kill the freak anyway.” Seven thought with disgust.

With the forms signed, both of the unnamed scientists turned and left in a hurried pace, eager to put distance between themselves and Sabretooth. They shut the door behind them before the sound of a large metal locking mechanism could be heard, sealing them inside. Nobody was getting out of the lab until their task was completed.

“Prepare the sedative, Ten. I’d like to finish with no interruptions.”

“From me? I’ll be as quiet as a church mouse, honest!” Sabretooth said before laughing loudly at his own joke. This caused both men to grimace, as it sounded more to them more like sandpaper on a dying animal than a laugh.

Determined to finish their day without injury, Seven quickly gathered a large tank, leading to a face mask that had been specially manufactured for Sabretooth’s large head. This mask would deliver a knockout gas directly to the lumbering giant’s nervous system. This was the most dangerous part of their task, as it involved the task of actually putting the mask on, and the mutant never made it easy for them. He would often thrash and snarl at them as they tried to secure it to his face, not with any hope of escaping, he just enjoyed terrifying the smaller men and would laugh as they struggled.

On one occasion, one of the newer researchers had dropped the mask. He had bent over to pick it up, and as he stood, he was face to face with Sabretooth, mere inches away. Never missing an opportunity to terrify fresh meat, he growled as viciously as he could, causing the much smaller man to fall backwards, crying out in surprise and actually urinating, leaving an indelible stain on his scrubs. Sabretooth’s booming laughter following this caused the man to beg to be released from the room, after which he immediately quit the program and never returned.

Since that incident, they had made improvements to their restraints, as well as the delivery system for the gas. Now, Sabretooth’s head was always firmly restrained to the back of the gurney, preventing him from so much as turning it from side to side. They also devolved a brace that wrapped around the back of his neck to the front of his jaw, with holes that interlocked with the gasmask itself. Instances of injuries and broken equipments had dropped significantly since this improvement. However, Fourteen was a prime example that they were never, “safe.”

Seven knew from experience that the best way to manage dealings with Sabretooth was to just get it over with and try their best to ignore his jabs. He quickly wheeled the tank and mask across the room before positioning it above his subject’s face. Sabretooth was starting to dish out another cocky threat, but Seven wasn’t interested in letting him finish. Without ceremony, he slammed the mask down, a loud resounding, “click,” letting him know it had properly locked in place. He and Ten then wheeled the brutish slab of beef over to their station and waited for the gas to take effect. Slowly but surely, the muffled sound of Sabretooth’s tirade began to fade, and even after it was completely silent in the room, the men waited another five minutes, as Sabretooth had been known to pretend to fall asleep in an attempt to catch unaware researchers by surprise.

With their test subject soundly asleep, the two scientists could finally begin their tests without fear of being mauled or berated, so they set to work.

With the dreaded beast unconscious, the tests themselves were fairly mundane. The pair checked Sabretooth’s weight, pulse and drew the usual sixteen vials of blood to check for any abnormalities and the hope of unlocking the secrets of the mutant gene. Next, they were to take measurements of his colossal body. Since the beginning of his time in the program, the mutant had been subjected to an untold number of experiments and modifications in an attempt to augment his already superhuman body and make him an even better killer. The two recorded every inch of Sabretooth’s form, noting that since his last evaluation, his muscles had become exponentially firmer and larger than even the most prodigious human body builders of the time.

“This freak is going to be even more of a nightmare now… Huge in absolutely every area, and the temperament of a wild animal…” thought Seven in disgust as his eyes scanned down the man’s slumbering form. However, something gave him pause.

“Every area?”

Sabretooth was absolutely massive, so much so that his examination gown had to be custom made to cover his enormous body, and even then, it could barely contain his towering form. His chest bulged out, with pecs the size of most men’s heads. His biceps were like cannonballs and his legs were even more defined, no doubt from countless hours of chasing down his victims. Every inch of his mutant body ballooned outward and strained the flimsy fabric. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, Seven couldn’t help but notice something… or rather… a distinct lack of something. As his gaze drifted over his sleeping test subject, drinking in the sight of this superhuman male, his glance paused directly between Sabretooth’s legs, slightly puzzled. Despite every other facet of the diabolical mutant’s body being enormous, Seven realized the mutant seemed to be lacking the bulge one would expect from an adult man, especially one so enormous. In fact, the fabric covering the mutant’s manhood was barely raised…

When Sabretooth first joined the program, he was made aware that regular measurements of his entire body would be taken. This was met with immediate backlash, and he had been very clear that he would, “tear the fucking arms off any fairy doctor who tried to touch his cock,” and for the first time, Seven had to wonder why. His gaze lingered on the very modest bulge for what seemed like ages, before making up his mind. He had to know, one way or the other. “If it’s huge, it’s just another reason to hate this bastard,” he thought to himself.

Glancing over his shoulder, he could see that Ten was still recording data and jotting notes, fully absorbed in his work. Seeing that his colleague was distracted, he decided to sate his curiosity. He took a deep breath and gathered his courage before pulling the thin hospital gown to the side, revealing every inch of the bestial mutant’s sleeping form.

“No way… Impossible.” The scientist whispered to himself.

Admittedly, Seven half expected to lift the gown to see a thick slab of cock staring back at him; some monstrosity of a penis to match the rest of Sabretooth, probably with a matching pair of hairy, oversized testicles; but that wasn’t the sight that greeted the overworked scientist. Instead, in the cold, dim light of the lab, Seven saw Sabretooth’s manhood for what it was; laughable.

“Oh my God, what are you doing?!” Came a panicked voice. Ten had apparently finished the tasks he had been working on, only to discover in abject horror what his colleague was up to. “Are you insane; he’ll kill us!”

“He might, but it’s worth it. Trust me. You have to see this,” Seven replied, unable to suppress the grin in his voice.

“Absolutely not, I don’t want any part in this, I don’t want to die!” Hissed Ten.

“Do you think it will matter to him that you said no? We could be fucked either way, you might as well take a look. I promise that you won’t regret it.”

Ten let out a haggard sigh, before timidly making his way around the table. He meekly looked down at Sabretooth, visibly shaking, as if just perceiving the man on the table would somehow result in grievous injury. The mousy scientist looked through squinted eyes, only intending to sneak a quick peek. However, the sight that greeted him caused Ten’s eyes to instantly widen. Several seconds passed, time standing still as the realization hit him. Ten let out the breath he’d been holding, before letting out a nervous laugh.

“Where… Where’s the rest of it?” he asked, half serious. “It can’t be hiding under those peanuts!”

Finally, the tension was cut, and they’d said it out loud. For all his snarling, bluster and muscles, Sabretooth was small in the only place that mattered. The truth washed over the pair like a wave, lightening their mood, and giving an immediate confidence boost. After all, it isn’t every day that you find out your abuser has been compensating for a pathetically small cock.


“To think, he’s smaller than me…” Mused Ten. “Hell, he’s probably smaller than a young kid just finding out what a cock is for. It’s going to be hard to keep this a secret!”

“Who says we should keep it a secret?” Grinned Seven. “I think we should do our job and get a little payback while we’re at it. He’s going to be pissed either way, what do you say we take a few more notes?”


Ten gave an enthusiastic nod and began retrieving their tools. “Let’s record everything and take this freak down a peg.”


The two began their work in earnest. Seven being the braver of the two, took the measurements himself while Ten recorded everything, with the agreement that they would share their findings with not only the higher ups in the Weapon X program, but also with all of their colleagues that had suffered at the cruel mutant’s hands.


When measured while flaccid, Sabretooth’s penis came in at a measly 2” and was just barely thicker than the pen that Ten was writing with. Sabretooth was uncircumcised, which may have been due to his mutant healing ability. The foreskin stretched comically far over the mutant’s cock head, almost as if it was trying to hide the shameful excuse for a dick. The scientists also noted that his pubic hair seemed to be trimmed very short, most likely in a sad attempt to make his manhood look bigger. In this case, it had the opposite effect, and made the hulking giant’s privates look as if he was just going through puberty.


Below his undersized dicklet, hung Sabretooth’s scrotum, which to both men’s amusement was equally unimpressive. The sack hugged so close to his groin, that at first glance it looked like there might not be anything under his unimpressive cock. The testicles themselves were positively tiny, looking more like a pair of shriveled grapes than the balls of an adult man. They would have been an embarrassing set for the average male, and when nestled between legs as thick as small tree trunks, they looked absolutely ridiculous. Ten took down every detail of what he saw, intentionally making sure to point out how below average the set was.


Now that they had thoroughly detailed the flaccid cock, Seven decided to take it a step further. The lab came equipped with electrodes that were used to stimulate muscles in their test subject, to see how they reacted. Not wanting to leave a job half done, the pair planned to force an erection using pulses of electricity. When all was said and done, the researcher had attached an electrode to the underside of Sabretooth’s cock, as well as one for each testicle. Finally, he placed one more directly onto the mutant’s tight hole.


“Please set the shock to three and set it on a pulse.”

Ten complied, turning one of the many dials on the lab equipment, as the men watched with bated breath. This was the true test, as the scientists were well aware. Some men had smaller penises while flaccid but could grow to respectable sizes when erect, but would that hold true for Sabertooth?


A second ticked by, before everything at Sabretooth’s crotch jumped slightly. The electricity was doing it’s worth, as they could see their test subject’s testicles pulse, and his flaccid cock twitch to the side. Another moment passed, and everything twitched again, this time with the small tube of meat moving a bit more and beginning to thicken. The researchers watched in rapt fascination as the mutant cock in front of them began to grow, little by little getting visibly firmer as blood began to flood into the appendage… for a few seconds at least. Then, it stopped growing entirely.


Only about ten seconds had passed, and Sabretooth’s cock had reached its full, “glory.” The penis in front of them was definitely hard at this point, as was clear from the new diamond hardness of the member as it bobbed back and forth, the pulses of electricity still doing its job. However, despite how impressively hard it was, it had barely increased in size, and furthermore, it seemed that Sabertooth suffered from phimosis, his foreskin clinging so tightly to his cock head that it was unable to retract and was still fully covered his dick. A thin but steady line of precum began to leak out of the foreskin’s tight opening, drooling down into his lap.


“Damn, is that it? I almost feel sorry for the monster. I was expecting it was going to get bigger than that.” Ten said with shocking sincerity.


Indeed, the pathetic phallus had barely grown at all, in thickness or in length. Seven put on a pair of thick rubber gloves before measuring to confirm their suspicions.


“Three inches when fully erect, not counting the foreskin, which extends another three tenths of an inch. Honestly. No wonder he’s always so aggressive. I’d be angry too if I was this tiny.” Seven mused loudly, while absentmindedly fondling Sabertooth’s cock, his gloved finger gliding precum up and down its short length.


Something deep in Sabretooth’s brain must have woken up in that moment. It’s unknown whether it was caused by the feeling of the attention his cock was getting, the fact that the researchers were no longer trying to keep their voices down, or as Seven later theorized, that, “his unconscious mind was reacting to the ridicule of his useless cock.” Regardless of the cause, the mutant on the table was sleeping no more.


At first, Sabretooth woke up with a pleasant smile on his face, as he was still shaking off the copious amounts of drugs in his system, while enjoying a pleasant feeling in his loins. However, as he blinked awake, and began to realize what was happening, his smile turned to a snarl.


“What the FUCK do you think you’re doing?!” Yelled Sabretooth.


Instinctively, both Seven and Ten jumped in surprise, with the prior dropping the erect cock, which landed wetly in the pool of pre between the mutant’s legs.


“I’m going to rip your guts out and hang you with them!” Sabertooth bellowed.


Seven and Ten shared a look with one another, before a smile crept up on their faces. Now that initial shock had faded, both men saw something new on Sabretooth’s face that they hadn’t seen before; shame. Sure, he was threatening them, but it was different than before. The mutant that they had spent most of the last several months fearing was red in the face, blushing uncontrollably as he screamed at them. The big bad killer was ashamed of himself, and for once he wasn’t in control.


In that moment, Sabretooth realized that something had to be done. These two, scrawny poindexters knew about his pathetically under average cock! He had taken great pains to hide how small he was. Up until this point, he had murdered everyone who had found out, taking time to first torture any of them that had been brave enough to mock him. He knew he had to kill the two men in front of him and intimidate them into keeping quiet until he got the chance. However, as he looked up at the two scientists, he could see that they both had huge grins on their faces, leering down at him; for the first time in years, Sabretooth didn’t have the upper hand. He was fucked.


Seven marched right up to Sabretooth, before boldly grabbing his cock again and started to speak.


“No, Sabretooth, I don’t think you are going to do any of that. You’re not going to harm us, and you’re not going to cause any more problems for the program either. You’re just going to lie there and help us with our research. You haven’t really been pulling your weight lately after all and considering that it’s even… less weight that we originally thought, I don’t think that’s fair.”


Seven began running his gloved thumb over the foreskin clad head in his fist, sliding some of the viscous precum around as he began to stroke Sabretooth, locking eyes with the mutant as he taunted his blustering captive.


Sabretooth let out an an involuntary gasp, surprising even himself. He blushed even brighter, feeling more exposed than ever.


“The fuck I am you fucking fairy! Let go of my dick!” Sabretooth screamed, this time with obvious alarm in his voice. Sure, he could scare this twig of a man and regain control of the situation. Right? RIGHT?!


Seven glared down at the captive mutant for a moment, considering how to respond, before simply smiling, balling his free hand into a fist, and throwing a punch directly into Sabretooth’s nuts. With the modest sack being so tight to his groin, both balls were smashed roughly into his bony pelvis, eliciting a pain yell from the muscled stud.


Sabretooth let out a pained grunt, eyes shooting open as pain flooded his groin.


“I’m shocked those pathetic little things work well enough to feel anything.” Seven mocked, as he returned to stroke the dick in his hand. “I wonder if the rest of the plumbing works. Ten, turn the shock setting up by three.”


Behind him, Ten gleefully turned up the dial, tearing an angry howl from their bound victim. “Oops, I turned it up by five. My mistake.”

“That’s fine. We’ve tested this monster’s stamina everywhere else, let’s see how his raisins react to some stress testing. Maybe he’ll luck out and it’ll trigger a growth spurt.”


The pleasurable throbs of energy coursing through Sabretooth’s loins increased in power and frequency in an instant. What was once a pleasurable pulsing hum, was now more of a steady stinging feeling. The trapped brute was attempting to close his legs to lessen the pain from the shock, not to mention the punch from earlier.


At this point, everyone in the room was enraptured with what was going on between the mutant’s legs. Sabretooth was staring in disbelief at his current circumstances, and both scientists were grinning cruelly, drinking in the sight of his humiliation.  


There was something else too… Something creeping into Sabretooth’s senses. Arousal. His eyes somehow managed to get even wider as he realized that the researchers were getting wildly turned on by the position, they had had him in! While he couldn’t see much while he was still secured the gurney, the bound mutant’s heightened sense of smell told him all he needed to know. Both men were steadily leaking into their underwear, and undoubtedly sporting iron-hard erections.

Sabretooth let another involuntary sound, this time a whimper. These tiny men were getting off torturing him! Up until a few hours ago, he had been a king in this place; a KING! Now, two little nobodies were painting their scrubs with pre, playing with his cock against his will, and mocking its size! As if the shame of the situation wasn’t bad enough, he also had an intrusive thought… “They’re probably bigger than me.” The thought made Sabretooth’s cock jump in shame.


A laugh snapped the “great” beast back to the present. Seven had gotten quite the kick out of his test subject’s involuntary response. He continued to laugh for several seconds, and even the formerly timid Ten let out a chuckle. It took a few moments for the laugher ringing in the room before Seven continued.


“Now… as I was saying. From now on, you are going to be a good boy. You’re going to be a well-behaved little lab rat. No more threats. No more trying to injure the staff or pick fights with the other mutants. No more barking at real men. Because you’re not a real man. You know it, and I know it. Not with a little prick like this. So, you’re going to stop pretending.”


Sabretooth let out a wild scream, pure frustration taking hold of him. Frustration at being tied down, and for being unable to intimidate his captors. Frustration at their taunts, how they had him completely at their mercy, and how they were getting off it… But somewhere deeper, he was frustrated at himself, because deep down, he knew they were right. He had been beaten, completely and utterly by someone a fraction of his size and no combat ability. And deeper still, the most shameful part of all, something Sabertooth’s subconscious was making him face; he was getting off on it too.


“Nothing else to say? Are you just going to thrash about and scream as I shock your balls and jerk off your sorry excuse for a cock? If you don’t have anything else to say, then I’d like to wrap this up.” Seven mocked, all the fear from his prior interactions with Sabretooth having turned into a brutal, sexual confidence. “Now that you’re in no position to say no, I think we’re going to get a sample of your vile mutant seed. Although, knowing how useless your prick is, Mr. Essex may just dump it down the drain!” the scientist laughed heartily at his own taunts, neither party worried in the moment of the severity of saying their boss’s name aloud.


“I’m about ready to punch out for the night. I’m going to go fuck my girl senseless, knowing it’s something you could never do. So do you mind hurrying it up, kitten?”


Sabretooth’s meager pole lurched in Seven’s fist in response.


“Good boy”


Seven’s gloved hand began working at a fevered pace, working up and down Sabretooth’s slick little shaft in a blur. At this point, his cock was pouring precum like a faucet in thick globs, and his sadistic captor was putting every ounce of it to work. All the while, jolts of electricity continued to blast through his crotch, spikes of white-hot pain shooting through his tight scrotum, surging through his screaming balls and up through his nut cords. Simultaneously, these powerful shocks were still pulsing through the electrode on Sabretooth’s hole, sending wave after wave of energy through his prostate.


Sabretooth felt Seven’s body shift, the scientist getting closer to him, his fist pumping even faster. The smaller man was now right up next to him, so close that he could feel the researcher’s body heat press into his massive leg… and something else. Something hard. The defeated former stud looked up at his captor in disbelief, shame flooding him as he finally realized just how much smaller he was by comparison.


“Seven seemed a fitting codename. Don’t you think?” he said, only inches away from Sabretooth’s face, lust dripping in his voice.


The beast’s will finally broke, as the cacophony of sensations overwhelmed his mind and body. For all the shame he felt over his comically small manhood, and his inability to stop what was happening to him, Sabretooth’s body was forcing him to face the truth. He had kept his secret for so long that nobody else had touched him there in years. Not only that, but his torturer’s rock hard, superior manhood was jammed hard against his leg, forcing the truth of his inadequacy deep into Sabretooth’s psyche like never before!  His ego left him, and he threw his head back, moaning and screaming in a mix of agony and sexual heat he’d never known. Despite all the agony and embarrassment coursing through him, the colossal mountain of a man finally surrendered to the feeling building in his boiling balls, letting himself hurtle towards orgasm. Finally, he let out a cry so loud that it even his own ears, squeezing his eyes shut and letting himself be pushed over the edge…


“Now!” Seven yelled.


There was an instant of confusion in Sabretooth’s brain right before all hell broke loose. In that moment, Ten turned the dial as far as it would go, ramping the electricity up to the maximum level. At the same time, Seven casually let the mutant’s straining dick fall from his hand with the same callousness as someone dropping a piece of trash. Before he knew what was happening, Sabretooth’s balls were being electrocuted with several hundred more volts than a moment before, and he was no longer feeling the sweet pleasure of being jerked off. He was feeling untold agony with none of the pleasure.


Not that his dick had time to catch up. It was too late. Jutting out at its sad, full three inches, Sabretooth’s cock fired off an intense salvo of cum. Despite the lack of stimulation, his seed kept pumping into the air with reckless abandon, flying in the air several feet before landing with sad splats all over his chest and face. The hyper muscled stud wailed in the confusion, the pain and humiliation of his completely ruined orgasm overwhelming his brain as it sent his plumbing went into overdrive. Sabretooth began to hyperventilate, sweat pouring out of every pour, his eyes wide with disbelief at his stolen pleasure. At this point, it all became too much, and with his frustrated cock still purging mutant seed at at astonishing rate, Sabretooth’s eyes rolled back, and he passed out.




Groggily, Sabretooth began to awaken. Unaware of how much time had passed, his body felt an unnatural heaviness, no doubt due to the drugs they used to keep him under for hours at a time. He hated this feeling, feeling weak. It’s not something he could ever get used to. After all, when was he ever considered anything but powerful and dangerous?

That’s when the memories began to flood back… All of the shame and humiliation visited on his mind and body from those two pathetic scientists. Sabretooth let out a ragged breath as he realized his must of have been dreaming. He let out a low, rumbling chuckle. He’d have to kill a researcher or two to shake off such a nightmare.


“Oh, good! You’re finally awake!”


Sabretooth’s blood ran ice cold as Seven’s familiar voice interrupted his thoughts.


“I was actually starting to worry that I might have killed you with that last dosage. You might be nearly useless, but I couldn’t have that. The paperwork and demotion alone would have been bad enough, but to lose all of the work we’ve put into you? Even a failed project has lessons we can learn from.”


Sabretooth opened his mouth to form some sort of comeback, something to regain some semblance of manhood, but he never got the chance. As soon as his mouth opened, he found himself helplessly gagged by a large, metal ball of sorts. It was nearly too large for his mouth and seemed impossible to spit out or bite through. Out of the corner of his eye, Sabretooth saw a gleeful Ten scamper out of sight, giggling softly as he went.


“Now, now, Kitten. I told you before that there will be no more yelling or threats.”


Sabretooth barely had time to register that his new nickname seemed to be sticking around before Seven continued.


“Besides, I have good news for you!” Seven said gleefully, clapping his hands together.

“We’ve decided to make you the featured success story for our research papers! Ten and I were able to publish all of our notes from our last session. And I do mean all of them. Take a look for yourself!”


Once again, Sabretooth saw Ten scampering about, this time wheeling a large display of research notes, large pictures and displays. As the board was pushed closer, he realized in horror what was plastered all over it. The presentation was all of him! He was barely able to process what he was seeing, and in fact his jaw would have dropped if not for the giant ball of adamantium prying his jaws open. Picture after picture of his meager privates had been blown up and pinned to the board. Pages of research notes also faced him, and although he couldn’t understand all of it, Sabretooth did pick out certain key words and phrases. “Aggression tied to shame of underdeveloped reproductive organs. Taming of aggression through forced ejaculation. Reprogramming of unwanted behaviors by training mutant subjects.” All of Sabretooth’s shame was laid out in pictures, spreadsheets and data!


“Congratulations big guy! Well… not big guy, but you know what I mean. Everyone in the facility was forwarded a copy! I’m sure you were hoping that our last session would stay between us… but I’m sorry, that’s just not good science! It wouldn’t do much good for me to learn mutant weaknesses and not share them with my colleagues! Everyone in the facility knows about our breakthrough!”

Sabretooth’s eyes widened, and the beast actually began to tear up. It was impossible! They couldn’t know! He’d never recover from this… All of those greasy little men knowing about his tiny penis… How would they treat him now during testing? Would he be forced to cum, again and again as they laughed and scribbled notes about how pathetic he was? His breath became heavy as the reality overtook him. Even worse, the memory of what Seven had done to him began to stir something in his loins. Despite his embarrassment, within a few pulses of his heartbeat, Sabretooth’s cock was standing at full attention, its sad three inches saluting the man who had tamed it.


“Oh? You’re even more excited about the news than I thought you’d be! I guess I can’t blame you. Your orgasm was legendary. I actually recorded that too! You beat the world record by a long shot, stud! You kept cumming well after you passed out, lasting nearly twenty minutes! A world record if there ever was one!” Seven clapped several times in genuine admiration.

“But I wouldn’t get too excited about that record.” Seven said cryptically as he walked towards the bound titan of a man. As he approached, he slid the presentation to the side so that he could be next to Sabretooth, but intentionally left the proof of the beast’s shame within view. Suddenly Seven was in the exact spot he had been when he’d forced Sabretooth to cum, with his firm erection once again filling his pants.


“You see,” Seven reached down and idly fondled Sabretooth’s manhood as he spoke. “I took the liberty of proposing a new experiment. You are so ferocious on the battlefield, and my higher ups are a bit worried I may have broken you. After all, that aggressions and facade you put up is all because of this little guy, right?” Seven used his thumb to smear some of Sabretooth’s precum down his shaft, chuckling as the enormous man shuddered like a dog in heat.

“They are worried that you won’t fight for them, or possibly not battle as hard, now that your secret is out. So, I proposed that we keep you on a shorter leash, and I couldn’t think of a shorter leash than your cock!” Seven laughed heartily before dropping the short penis from his hand, the warmth and pressure on Sabretooth’s cock being replaced by the chill of the lab. Below, the mutant’s balls began to churn and ache with denial.

“So, I came up with an idea, and the review board approved it.” With his hand now empty of mutant cock, Seven reached into the pocket of his lab coat to remove something shiny and metallic of strange shape that Sabretooth couldn’t quite make out.


The shape was quickly lifted to Sabretooth’s crotch, much to the mutant’s dismay, as he began to thrash in his bonds, flexing his considerable muscle as he tried to break free. Unfortunately for him, he had been bound even more securely during his time unconscious, leaving no possibility of escape.

“Stop struggling, Kitten. This is happening, and there’s nothing you can do about it. So just lie there like a good pet and deal with it, so we can move on.”

Suddenly, Sabretooth felt something around his cock, cold and metallic. He only had a moment to adjust to the sensation before he felt something new; pain. His captor seemed to be smashing the metallic object onto his cock, with as much force as he could muster. “Was he going to trying to break his dick?!” Sabretooth worried as he continued to thrash, now screaming into his gag as he panicked. The pain continued to tear through his cock as he felt it being smashed back into his crotch, feeling the doctor’s hands manipulating his manhood into unnatural angles and pushing it further into the device.


Suddenly, most of the pressure abated, and Sabretooth heard a loud click, as if a door locked. Although most of the pain had stopped, his cock was still painfully jammed against whatever this metal thing was, his erection wilting pitifully to try and relieve more of the pressure.


“Whu- ‘id uuuh d’” Sabretooth tried to say, with only a few weak sounds actually escaping around his gag.


“There, now that wasn’t so bad, was it? As for, ‘What I did,’” Seven mocked, “Let me show you. Ten, the mirror please!”

Ten was once again beside them, a small mirror in his possession before he handed it to Seven. “That sniveling little mouse.” Thought Sabretooth bitterly. If he didn’t know any better, he would have thought that Ten could have had a mutant power of his own with the way he could slink in and out of the shadows.


Seven held up the mirror, carefully angling it in a way that showed Sabretooth his crotch when he gazed into it.


“N-“ Sabretooth grunted into his gag. It couldn’t be! Wrapped around his manhood was some sort of metal contraption. It was like a cage made of metal, wrapped all the way around his penis, and wrapping under his scrotum to keep the device on his body. He wasn’t sure exactly what the device was for, but he knew that it was’t good.


“Do yo like it? We designed it just for you. We’ve decided to call it a chastity cage. It keeps anyone from touching that sad little thing, whether it be you or someone else. I mean, let’s face it, Kitten. Nobody else was probably going to touch it anyway, but now you can’t relieve yourself. The Weapon X program has decided to monitor how sexual frustration affects combat performance, and we’ve decided you are the perfect candidate!”


Suddenly, Seven lowered his head right in front of his victim’s. He was now staring face to face with Sabretooth, mere inches away from one of the most dangerous mutants on the planet, and he wasn’t scared in the least. Not anymore. Seven locked eyes with Sabretooth for several long seconds, his gaze cutting directly into the beaten man’s soul. He let the moment linger before continuing, speaking softer as one might do to a child or a pet.


“It took some convincing of course. That cage is made of pure adamantium. You won’t be touching yourself or getting that off any time soon. Unless, of course, you decide to cut off your own manhood! It would be interesting to see you test out your healing capabilities to that extent.” Seven grinned at the prospect of seeing if the brute’s accelerated healing could regrow a severed cock, or even his scrotum.

“I had to do a bit of convincing. After all, adamantium is nearly priceless. Several of the board thought that using the precious material to lock away one mutant’s seed was a waste of a valuable resource. However, once I showed them your manhood in person, they all agreed that they could spare such a little amount.” A snide grin spread across Seven’s face as he let the situation sink in to Sabretooth’s mind, as he got even closer to the brute, now directly next to his ear, speaking softly.


“Now, Kitten. Don’t be too upset. You’re getting something out of this too!” As he spoke, Seven reached up and softly cupped the mutant’s balls, massaging them gently. He smiled as he saw, despite his best efforts to control himself, Sabretooth became hard once again, only for his penis to smash pitifully into the end of the cage.


Sabretooth whined into his gag as his cock was pinched pitifully into the end of the cage as it began to drool precum, trying to lubricate itself for a fuck that would never come.


“In return, we are going to give you what you asked for. We’re going to make you the world’s most effective killing machine. We keep our word, Kitten. We are going to continue to pump up those potent, monstrous muscles of yours. We’ll keep making you stronger and bigger in every way, except the only one that matters.” As he said this, Seven gave a sudden, crushing squeeze to the modest bag of testicles in his hand, eliciting a loud grunt from Sabretooth, still muffled by the ball of metal in his jaws.


Seven’s cock throbbed in his pants as he saw the mutant in his fist begin to tear up and drool in mental and physical agony.

“And if you do a good job, nobody outside the program ever needs to know that you’re actually just a trained bitch, unfit to fuck, breed or even relieve those poor, tiny blue balls of yours. If you’re extra good, I might even be willing to shock a load out of your pathetic little nuts. After all, we will need data to see how an orgasm affects your fighting every now and then. So, if you ever want release, you’re going to have to beg me for it.”

Seven was now speaking so softly into Sabretooth’s ear that it could have been been confused for intimacy between lovers. That is, if not for his nutsack being compressed into a tiny bag of pain. The absolute control the doctor had over Sabretooth was so complete that he actually thought he might cum on the spot. Noticing this, Seven’s expression suddenly changed into a sort of grim rage, his fist squeezing even tighter.

“Bad Kitten. Let me lay down one of the other rules you’re going to live by. If you ever,” Seven accentuated the word by crushing with his full might, causing Sabretooth to dry heave. “Cum without permission, I will pop these. If they grow back, you’ll be jammed right back into the cage. If not, you’ll be expelled from the program at once. We will undo all of your enhancements, and throw you out, weak and nutless. Even with balls this weak and tiny, I’ll bet you want to keep them. Nod if you understand.”

Sabretooth was openly crying at this point, tears running down his face. His normally terrifying scowl replaced with pure agony and newfound shame. Despite the inhuman pain radiating from his balls, he managed a nod.

“Good, Kitten. Just one more thing. You’ll notice that there’s an opening in your device. That is for a specifically made device to open your chastity cage. If you try to pick it, or use any other method to remove your cage, other than removing your own malehood, it will immediately explode. This is our insurance to make sure you aren’t stupid enough o remove yourself, but it also means there is a way to get that cage off of your little prick, letting you empty your balls as you see fit.”

Through the haze of pain blazing up Sabretooth’s loins, he was able to grasp what Seven was saying. There was a way out. He just had to kill this little bastard and he could get the ke-

“Oh, I can see from the look on your face that you’re already planning my death.” Seven stated coldly. “You really are a slow learner.”

Suddenly, he dropped Sabretooth’s sack from his hand, before throwing all of his weight into a brutal punch upwards. The relief of pressure in his testicles was instantly replaced by a new pain exploding in his precious pair of nuts. While Seven was by no means a strong man, his punch still got the job done, and even managed to smash his captive’s brutalized balls into Sabretooth’s brand-new cage, leaving red marks on his sack in the same shape as the lines of metal that shaped the device.

Sabretooth was once again screaming into his gag, positively howling from the pain of having his sensitive nuts mangled and smashed into the unbreakable cage. He got no reprieve either, as Seven wasted no time grabbing the abused scrotum, returning it to the crushing grip, this time also pulling downward with considerable force.

“I’m no fool, Sabretooth,” Seven spat angrily, his momentary anger overcoming the need to taunt the mutant with his new nickname. “You would patiently wait until you had a moment to kill me and steal the key, freeing that pathetic little worm you call a cock. That’s why I won’t be the one holding on to it!”

Seven took a calming breath, letting his anger subside before continuing. He eased his grip on Sabretooth’s screaming balls, but only by a small amount. He wanted the mutant in pain but paying attention.

“Don’t worry Sabretooth, you’ll be happy to know you actually can kill the person holding your key! Well, you’re allowed to try, anyway! That’s your true test of skill from Weapon X. Kill the target and earn relief from your endlessly aching balls! Why don’t we introduce you to your mark! He’s already in the room with us!”

“What?!” Sabretooth panicked. How was there someone else in the room that he couldn’t hear or smell?! Suddenly, he realized that things had seemed off since he’d woken up, but he’d been in too much pain to notice. The drugs these bastard scientists had flooded his system with had dulled his normally hyper acute senses! His eyes suddenly started scanning his limited view of the room in a frenzy, trying to find the third mystery assailant, but he didn’t have to wait long.

Suddenly, a figure stepped up on to a small platform next to the gurney to which he was strapped. (Provided by Ten, no doubt, the slippery bastard.)

In a flash, Sabretooth found himself at face level with an absolutely enormous but entirely flaccid cock. His eyes widened as he took in the sight. Like his own, the penis in front of him was uncut, but that’s where the similarities ended. It was easily eight inches long, and as thick as beer chan, with pencil thick veins covering it’s entire, meaty surface. Not only that, but despite its girth, it couldn’t hide the staggeringly large testicles that were nestled behind it. They were both easily the size of large lemons, resting comfortably in a scrotum that dangled even lower than the beastly phallus itself, stretching downward ten inches! The sack was incredibly hairy, with only small bits of pink skin peaking out from underneath. This was mirrored by the man’s pubic hair, which was more like a lush jungle of fur than the crotch of a man.

The entire gargantuan manhood filled Sabretooth’s field of vision. Despite the drugs dulling his senses, his nose was now flooded with the scent of his adversary, overcoming his brain with the powerful musk of malehood radiating off of the powerful balls that were nearly teabagging him. Sabretooth knew this scent but hadn’t yet allowed himself to admit it.

Slowly, he allowed his eyes to scan upward, drinking in the view of the man before him. Above his ample bush, were compact abdominal muscles that were nearly if not equally impressive as his own, covered in the same thick, dark fur as his crotch. His gaze continued to drift upward, over an absolutely massive pair of pecs. While they were on a smaller frame than his own, they were. Just as dense and powerful as his own, packed with more wild and unkempt hair, covering every inch of the skin beneath. However, a small glint caught Sabretooth’s attention. Nestled deeply in the pecs of this powerhouse of a man, tangled in the scruff of masculine fur, was a small chain, gently being pulled down by a small metallic shape. Sabretooth gasped as the realization hit him that this must be the key to his chastity device, the key to his own manhood being kept warm and safe by that jungle of fuzz. He stared at the key for what seemed like ages, his mind trying to buck against the reality of situation, as his nose continued to fill with the musk of a superior male.

Unable to stall his brain any longer, Sabretooth finally allowed his eyes to raise even further, finally bracing himself to admit who now owned his masculinity, his shameful excuse for a cock, and his aching, overfilled nuts. His gaze traced the thick neck and shoulder muscles, and then the powerful, squared jawline of his foe, which was also covered in a masculine mess of thick hair to match the rest of his manly form. Above it, he could see the mouth of of his adversary bent into a cocky, gruff smile. Sabretooth’s heart was pounding in his chest at this point, as he finally locked eyes with the man above him, confirming his greatest fears.

“Wu-fvhrl-ne!” Sabretooth tried to shout, instead just spitting out a pathetic gargled mess around his gag and allowing even more drool to escape his jaws.

The grin on the man’s face widened, becoming an even crueler smile. He leaned toward his bound and helpless rival, letting his enormous and sweaty testicles swing forward and land with a meaty slap on Sabretooth’s face for a moment before pulling letting them fall back between his muscled legs.

Much to Sabretooth’s shame, his sad, straining cock jumped in his shiny new cage, shooting a jet of precum across his body, landing, almost as if in tribute, Wolverine’s untamed bush. Though he would never admit it aloud, Sabretooth’s caged cock was saying it for him. This where he belonged.

“How’s it goin’ Runt?” Wolverine asked with a gruff, derisive chuckle.

Sabretooth’s humiliation was only just beginning.