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It Pays to Listen

Long time no see, readers! I know it's been a while since I've uploaded anything. Life has been insane, so unfortunately writing has...

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

It Pays to Listen

Long time no see, readers! I know it's been a while since I've uploaded anything. Life has been insane, so unfortunately writing has been a bit on the backburner. However, I've been trying to take a few commissions here and there to save money! Feel free to reach out to me on twitter if you want to purchase a story for yourself!

In the mean time, enjoy this short commission I did for a follower. I am always impressed when I read a story that manages to pack a lot of hot details and a fleshed out tale in a quick read, and that's what I tried to do here. Let me know how you think I did! 


It Pays to Listen

By: Bull2Steer

“I warned you Timothy. Didn’t I warn you what would happen if you fucked around? But you didn’t listen, so now you’re gonna lose em.”

The words were directed at a young man, who had been expertly tied to a steel fence, legs spread wide and bent over a fence. He wasn’t wearing a stitch of clothing save for a pair of worn-in work boots, his round ass and genitals displayed openly to the world. His eyes were wild and bloodshot, tears streaming down his face. He was yelling something, but it was muffled by a simple gag made of the stud’s own boxer shorts and duct tape, preventing his pleas from making it out into the world.

“Don’t whine or beg. You knew the price for your mistake; you knew if you kept fucking around I’d take your balls. You don’t deserve ‘em, and we all know it. So, you ready? Ready to lose your precious nuts, Timothy?”

The young buck screamed even harder into his gag.

“Then let’s get started.”


 Tim had started on The Ranch a few months prior. He’d moved into the small Montana town after his dad had told him he needed to get a real job and learn how to be an honest man that did an honest day’s work. His pops and the owner were old friends, so he called ahead and set everything up. His boy would get room and board along with a modest paycheck and spend a few months working as a farm hand. The hope was that spending a year doing real work would straighten Tim out, who had a habit of being lazy, smoking, drinking and chasing girls.

Tim, for his part, was a good-looking guy. He had just turned twenty, brimming with youth and a dose of arrogance. He sported thick brown hair, striking hazel eyes and a James Dean look and sense of style that often had girls hitting him up for dates and sex. Overall, Tim was a young man who was used to getting what he wanted without much effort. When his dad told him that he was kicking him out to work on a ranch, he scoffed, confident that his old man was bluffing, or at the very least that he’d cave and bring him back home after a while, once he, “learned his lesson.” Tim figured he’d coast through the new job, doing very little work and find a country girl to bang for a few months, and that would be that. Unfortunately for Tim, his plan didn’t work out too well for him.

When Tim got off the train, he was greeted by his new Boss. He was a large powerful man, sporting a thick beard and the body of a man who’d been doing hard labor from a young age, sturdy and strong. He helped Tim load his bags into the back of his pickup before driving them to The Ranch as he told his new worker what to expect.

“The rules are pretty simple Timothy. Meals are at six in the morning, noon and six at night. If you’re late, you don’t eat. You’ll have a bed made up for you with the rest of the ranch hands, and they’ll train you on all your duties. None of it is very complicated, but it’s hard work; but if you work hard, you’ll earn a fair wage and be treated well. Once the year is up, we’ll ship you back to your daddy, or you can decide then if you want to stay for another season. Sound good?”

Timothy nodded in the same noncommittal way he did with his parents.
“I can’t hear the rocks in your head, boy. You need to say, ‘yes Sir,’ if you understand.”

Tim flashed a look of annoyance but decided not to push it.
“Yes, Sir.” He said with a hint of disdain.

“Good. Part of why you’re hear is because your daddy and I are good friends, and I said I’d help whip you into shape before I sent you back home. Oh, and one last thing. Your old man told me about your habit of hopping from girl to girl. I’ll tell you now. I have a daughter about your age, Annie. She’s a pretty little thing and my pride and joy. You’re to be a gentleman around her, and not try any funny business. If you do anything stupid, I’ll ship you back to your father in a heartbeat, missing a few important bits I guarantee you’ll miss. Do I make myself clear?”

Tim nodded dumbly for a moment before choking out a “Yes Sir.”

Unfortunately for Tim, he didn’t keep his word on anything. He proved to be lazy, rarely getting his work done and pawning it off on the other ranch hands. More damning still was his raging hormones. He spent most of his day flirting with Annie and trying to get in her pants. Had it stopped there, Tim probably could have skirted by for a little while before getting fired. Unfortunately, his charms worked, and he ended up successfully bedding the boss’s daughter. Worse still, he knocked her up, and it didn’t take long for news to get back to Boss. Even then, Tim didn’t understand the trouble he was in. He figured he could just pay for a pill to get rid of the baby, and that he’d be fired and send back home… Her certainly wasn’t expecting it when Boss and several ranch hands surrounded him, stripped him, dragged him out to the stables and tied him to the fence.

Boss slowly walked up to the bound young stud, a silver tool gleaming in one hand. “You were told one thing, boy. Unfortunately, you couldn’t keep your pecker in your pants, and now you’re gonna pay the price for it.”

And with no further fanfare, the large man positioned himself at Tim’s backside, and gave the tool in his hand a firm squeeze. It was an elastrator, a tool for castrating young bulls who weren’t fit to breed. It had four prongs that housed a small, green rubber band. As Boss squeezed its handles, the tool expanded, widening the band just enough to fit a scrotum inside. He grabbed Tim’s sweaty ball bag, giving it a crushing squeeze as he did so, ignoring the screams coming from the young man. He roughly pulled the soon-to-be eunuch’s testicles through the band roughly, before releasing the handles and pulling the tool away with a loud, ‘SNAP,’ sound. This ripped another pained scream out of the failed farmhand. He produced another small green band before loading it on to the elastrator and repeating the process. Tim’s emasculation had begun.

Boss circled back around and grabbed Tim’s face, forcing it upwards so they could lock eyes. “The bands will do their work within an hour or two. At this point I could just leave you be and you’ll be castrated in no time. But you’re not getting off that easy, boy. You see, I’m not the only one you pissed off. You’ve been a lazy bastard around here, pushing your work off onto hard working, real men, and I think it’s time they got their licks in too.” Tim’s eyes widened in fear as he realized his punishment wasn’t over yet.

“Alright boys, he’s all yours. Remember the rules. Just don’t pop them. I want to send Timothy here back with a nice souvenir, so he doesn’t forget his lesson. I left a cooler of beer here. So just relax and enjoy your break boys. You’ve earned it.” And with that, Boss turned and walked back into the house.

Tim’s fellow workers surrounded him before Boss had even made it inside.

They were all smiling cruelly, each of them grabbing a couple Coronas out of the cooler before they set in on him. They farmhands all took turns abusing Tim’s exposed balls. Some of them chose to squeeze the banded nuts as hard as they could, until Tim worried they actually would pop, while other men opted to give him full force punts to his dying scrotum with their cowboy boots. Once all the men had taken a turn, they started over, chugging their beers, laughing and joking with each other while they continued to destroy his nuts. The men beat Tim’s sack until the wailing stud’s testicles were purple and black. It was obvious that even if the bands were removed early, that the ball inside would probably never function properly again. He was going to be steered before his balls had time to finish choking to death in their bag.

A little over two hours passed before Tim finally lost all the feeling in his sack. Once the farmhands realized their victim couldn’t feel the pain they were dishing out, they went inside to fetch Boss, who came out of the house with a knife in one hand, and a phone up to his ear with the other. He slowly made his way to the new steer, casually carrying a conversation on the phone as he did so. As he got closer, Tim could hear the end of the conversation.

“Yeah, sorry Dale. I failed to make a man out of your boy. He fucked Annie pregnant, so I banded him. Yeah, it’s a shame. Apologize to the missus for me too. Looks like you’ll have to adopt if you want to pass on your name. Yeah, I’m just about to snip ‘em off. You’ll have to pick Timothy here up from the airport tomorrow morning.”

Tim started crying into his gag as he realized Boss was talking to his father on the phone, talking about his castration like they were discussing the weather. As the large man got closer, he could make out his pop’s voice on the other end of the call, with words like, “failure,” and, “eunuch,” sticking out.

“Alright Dale, I gotta let you go so I can finish up with the eunuch. Visit? I’d love to. We’ll talk more tomorrow, bye.” Boss said before hanging up and stuffing the phone in his pocket before finally addressing Tim one last time.

“Well Tim, it’s all over for you. Your balls are dead and broken. I can tell the guys really didn’t hold back on your shriveled nuts. If you’d just fucked Annie, I’d have let you off with just a banding, but that’s what you get for being lazy, boy.” Boss said as he once again walked behind the exhausted young man.

“You have a flight home tomorrow, which your daddy paid for to apologize for your pathic work ethic. Don’t try to tell anyone what happened, either. Everyone here will back up my story that you did this to yourself, including your daddy. If you ever try to make trouble or come back here, I’ll slick your dick off. Don’t think I won’t. Only thing left to do is clean up this mess and send you home.”

And without another word, Boss took the knife in one hand, and the dead scrotum in the other. He placed the knife between the two green bands and pulled hard with a mighty tug and sawing motion. Within moments the sack of brutalized balls surrendered and was cut free. Boss tied a cord around them before putting it around Tim’s neck, allowing his heavy balls to hang like a necklace on the defeated ranch hand.

“Oh, and you’re fired.”

Tim’s world went black.